17 ◈ What Shadows Are Afraid Of

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Seungmin slowly took another bite out of the chocolate bar, quickly taking in his surroundings as he pulled the wrapper farther down from the edge he nibbled from.

Having met up with the two people he most wanted to avoid earlier that same evening, the four decided to take a break outside of the convenience store. Wallets empty from the snacks they purchased to fill their growling stomachs, they relaxed on the picnic table set outside of the store; The tinted hue of the umbrella covering their heads from falling spouts of a nonexistent sunlight, only the midnight hour inundating them with it's timid grasp; The cold metal grates set beneath him infecting his mind with their creeping inch, gradually invading until chills knocked into him with the ocean breeze; The desolate back roads opened around them, hardly a soul traversing the lined buildings, the few residents living blissfully unaware of the monsters serenely enjoying the meals they devoured.

Well, that one was devouring. The other sitting miserably with a pained expression on his face as the three loosely snacked on whatever they wished. Minho with his three bags of honey butter chips, offered slightly to Seungmin beside him in the tilt towards the human chewing on the chocolate bar, his own wrappers from the other snacks crumpled up. And Jisung, rapidly shoving a bowl of cooked ramen into his puffy cheeks.

Hyunjin watched him cram another mouthful, gaze falling softly to the cheap set of wooden chopsticks before leaning over to look at the ramen.

Jisung blew cold air into his face, the vampire immediately scrunching up and backing off from the gesture shooing him away as if he was an animal, "You can't have any."

"It looks good," The vampire scooted closer again.

"You'll get sick."

"It looks really good."

"You're going to get sick, stupid."

Hyunjin slumped back in his seat, arms folding over his chest as he peeled his eyes off of the cardboard bowl.

"Oh, you're going to pout now? You're a damn child. I know you're getting hungry, but you can't eat this anyway," Jisung sighed, moving to shove another bundle of instant noodles into his mouth. He stirred the remaining bits on the bottom with the motion, using the moment away from his eating to look at Seungmin and ask, "Are we going to check out that nightclub tonight?"

"I'll check on maps and see what days it's open," Minho murmured, peeling his hands away from his chips to rub them together. Shaking off the oily dust particles clinging to his fingers. Before he fished his phone from the pocket of the bomber jacket and focused his attention down to the screen clicking alive. The light from it's pixels flashbombing him in what Seungmin caught as his features scrunching up as if he was standing in the center of space before the burning blaze of the writhing celestial bodied sun itself, until his fingers were able to swipe around on the slim device and the brightness assaulting him within an inch of his life dimmed significantly.

"Someone that can mimic voices. That idea gives me chills," Hyunjin pitched in to the conversation, voice coming across the space quietly as he slowly sunk down. Gradually, bit by bit, muscle by muscle, tendon collapsing on tendon, cascading as their pieces tore apart inside his head and neck, until eventually each of one those support beams holding him up snapped and his head met the plastic top of the table. Laying still against the surface, a deflating exhale leaving his body to be nothing more than a corpse in the night. Nothing more than the rotting, foul body of a creature he truly was. Blighted, molded inside and out by the fungus worming him diseased, as pale and sickly as the mind behind those devil eyes truly was. Between his fangs, he pondered to them, "What kind of person has that kind of control over their voice?"

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