34 ◈ Flesh

680 46 331

Forewarning: Some blood here and there, not too bad???? I don't think???

A hotel lobby met his eyes.

An address Hyunjin slipped into his pocket when they parted ways from the marina, the fast whisper of 'five days' into his ear before given that devilishly charming smile stabbing blades directly through his heart. Blade and hilt tied to strings while they skewered through him, the edges tugging him every which way as a puppet to the vampire's simplest requests for him. Nothing but a marinate with the reckless thundering of his swelling heart while his mind throbbed with warning aches trying to stop him from listening to the voice calling him to run back to that person. That vampire with those dark shifts and unholy glares, yet softest touch when holding him foldly while they watched that encroaching sunset blazing the sky to ephemeral golden together before he walked the human home. Two different faces which belonged to the same man,

Two different names,

Two different sides.

One which he feared, the other he wrestled with himself to not trust. Though, those swinging attempts seemed to be futile. Seeing as how, despite the recent addition to the Mimic murder, despite the stacked bits of evidence reinforcing the distrust he gave to that pair, he was standing as he was. The scent of cleaning chemicals stinging into his nose from the perfectly swept up tile floors, hardly a scratch or scuff to show their wear; A waiting area with colorfully patched couches and a bordered off carpet lowcut, the seats sat parallel in their occultic circle to the front desk where temporary residents were currently checking in; The hallway, no doubt tucking away rooms, elevators, conference rooms; Not an expensive stay which drained wallets of their few dollars, but a quality one regardless.

Seungmin stepped forward,

But froze.


A presence was wandering toward him. Overbearing and powerful as it's careful footsteps tapped against the tiles.

Slowly, from beside him.

Something wet touched his ear again.

He relaxed, shifting away from the person as they leaned into him. An arm lifting to barricade him from the chest as he sighed the greeting, "Jisung."

The other human let out a strange noise. Some mix of a surprise and disappointmeng blended into a throaty gurgle at the unenthusiastic reaction he was given instead of the startled yelp he was given the first time he decided to shove a tongue in Seungmin's ear. Once he began to bounce back, reclining down onto the heels of his own converse to steady himself without leaning into the worn detective for support, Seungmin took the initiative to face that odd human. If he could be considered a human still, rather than the curling creature which danced with a fine case of insanity he often acted as. That point only being proven more as he took in the other's appearance; Slightly disheveled brunette hair fluffed out as if it had been freshly towel dried, bright eyes that sparkled with something unsettling, his tongue in a blep while the puffy cheeks deflated air.

Seungmin quickly glanced down to his tongue, catching sight of the odd discoloration on the side.

A bite mark.

It slipped away behind a nauseating smile.

He bit his own tongue.

Jisung laced his hands behind his back, rocking a bit on his heels as he looked over Seungmin, "Soooooooo~ what are you doing here~~?"

"Hyunjin," Seungmin explained briefly. Honestly, wishing to not go farther into depth about why he wanted to meet with the vampire than he had to. Especially not here. Especially not when he was catching flung gazes and suspicious words tossed over their heads from the attendants and other hotel goers no doubt wondering about the odd pair in the lobby. Whether or not Jisung knew about the illicit meetings he and Hyunjin arranged back at the academy, the old bites scarring his throat, the new bites which littered his chest while they attempted to heal from sickly yellow tints and scabs, their current meetings on the rooftop in the distanced time, he wasn't about to risk it. He wasn't about to announce to anyone, much less to Han Jisung, what his purpose was.

Nadir ◈ SeungjinTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon