51 ◈ Jekyll

676 45 287

Forewarning: Blood. Trauma. Violence. Death. Drama. Suicide.

Just kidding. This is just a wind-down chapter. Nothing traumatic anymore, just some analyzing and explaining and relaxing. Bbg gets his break :D

Some medical stuff, mentions of IV, some mentions of failed attempts, that's about it. Long chapter

He stirred.

A scratchiness to the sheets pooled around the soft rise and fall of his chest that tickled underneath his stilled arms, barricading the homely amiability of the tense surface beneath him. Sensations of that faint brush disturbing his rest, drawing him farther from the blacked-out dreams he laid within moments prior as their soft remittance entranced his consciousness back to himself. Returning the wandering of that darkened mind, lost in the clouded fog of a murky world hazed with the mystical enthral of ethers gazing gently from the shroud covering up their presence while they stalked his stumbling body. He was pulled from that foreign realm, bit by bit. Moment by moment. Ripped from the dreams and nightmares alike as those sheets tangled up within him as he gained back what concentration he had lost in the night.  

A weight to his limbs sagging them down to the support beneath him. Heaviness. Stone which filled, coursing through his veins while their pebbles rocked through with each steady pulse rhythmic to a mechanical sound. Electronic beeping, an abrasive noise irritating the worn down eardrums sensitive from their rest. Sensitive to the slight shifting of his body, listening to the faintest pindrop from the corners of the room be laid within, hearing the rustling of the cloth tucking him in as he lifted a wobbly hand. Disconnected from his wrist, flooding with it's own waves of tingled as he slowly set it against his eyes, rubbing into their stinging throbs requesting to slip back to a sleep. Hoping the motions would appease their anger with his existence.

Something tapped into his cheek.

He flinched away from it, slowly opening the vaults of his eyes to see what . Wincing first at the assault of the impossibly bright ceiling lights casting down to him, nearly washing the room in a stagnant bleach that burned his gaze back close, matching the stale scent which met him as he waded from the swamp of dreamless rest. Trying again. Slowly peeling his eyes open while they grated with a dizzying discomfort, slowly moving the wobbly unsteady of his hand back away from his head to inspect it, slowly coursing his gaze through the pale palm which greeted him, slowly following the tight wrap of bandages and plasters clung to his hand, slowly noticing the medical tape stuck along his wrist to keep a clear tube down.

Gently, his hand fell back to it's resting place by his side. Escaping from his view as he stared up at the white ceiling welcoming him in. Welcoming him back to this world. Not the in-between, stuck between parallel lines, trapped between fangs and teeth which ripped him in half between the tugging of two sides, grabbed at his wrists and clawed at his ankles, dragging him by the down feather fluff of his hair to be thrown deep into the ground, thrown where he could be mauled by creatures. Greeting him again with the friendly lines of the light strips encased within the artificial sky above, wide arms and a pleasant touch which eased him down to the support beneath him. He noted the various sounds, the chemical smell, the IV in his arm, he must have been in a hospital. He noted the fuzziness in his body, the acute lack of pain he had become accustomed to, and...

Seungmin's head wasn't hurting.

His migraine was gone.


His head lulled against the cushion of the pillow behind his hair strands, a stiffness to his neck and a gradual spinning to his taking mind rocking him gently with the troughs of the searching movements. Mountain peaks on distant valleys, the rocking of waves against a marina knocking the ocean's sounds to haunt his mind. The motion barely allowing him to scan the hospital room for that familiar and quiet voice summoning him once more from his rest. Observing the various machinery monitoring him, the three seats pushed off to the side of the spacious room, the closed windows with light pouring from the outside through the meager cracks the beams could worm their way through. Eventually, rolling to the other side.

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