31 ◈ Farther and Father Away

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"The boys are eating dinner in the living room," Minho popped his head into the guest room, tentative hands leaning him into the doorframe as he looked where Seungmin laid; Relaxed back on perfectly tucked sheets of the temporary mattress as he scrolled through his phone, busying his wandering thoughts diving into any wide berths of internet oceans he could entertain himself with to distract the tumbling wishing to grab hold of his vacant head. Vacant mind, occupied thoughts, raving about as fast as his heart when he crumbled apart with the wretched flavor of fear on his tongue. Unknowing to his struggle, the vampire leaned on the frame, "I'm going to join them, but did you want me to bring anything for you? Some rice? Some soup? The fish cakes? Felix took a lot of time working to feed us, I'd hate for you to not have anything."

Seungmin pressed his lips together, idly fiddling with their delicate touch in the silence. A distraction to barricade himself off from the other. Much like the cool touch of the overworked phone in his hands removing him from interacting with the world around him. Separating him in the silent walls of the guest room dimmed to shaded cover in order to ease the migraine which swelled mercilessly after work that day, shrouding the exhausted hunch of his shoulders pressed into the mattress, the comfort the pillow beneath his head aided in relief against those nauseating throbs seeming to grow more and more frequently as the days passed on. Pounds which settled in his mind, in time to the pulsing stings of the bites healing beneath his hoodie's rumpled fabric crinkling up as he laid still.

He stared back to the vampire leaned in the doorway. Tracing his silhouette in the Elysian halo casted from the illuminate lights glowing proudly from the living room behind, their embrace outlining his broader shoulders, the puffy mess of his freshly washed hair dried out with the warm temperature Felix kept the apartment hovering at, the hazy luminance wrapped in a tight embrace to highlight on his features. A steady ubiety in Seungmin's ever changing,  ever shifting, ever warping life breathing beneath his feet rocking him off balance from the tightrope he faltered from. A presence of a friend he had been craving for so violently in his life; Now the angel which summoned to the threshold of the guest room. The luster from the evening sun invading the apartment his feathered wings in the dark.

Compared to his own spinning mess of a muddled head, a stable mind which tried to pull him up from the deep dark below. Hands, rather than claws, which hung their own balance off the edge to grab on, desperately hoping that close circles of friends he kept would help him heave those who fell back up.

A friendly embrace which told him, maybe...

Maybe he could try to trust again.

Maybe he could try to open himself up to those vampires.

Maybe, even if in the end two of them were murderers,

He could rely on the others to catch him.

Seungmin clicked the phone in his hand off, the blinding irritation stinging his tired eyes leaving him to the encasing dark of the guest room as he tossed it to the side. He angled his elbows beneath him, using their beams to carefully sit himself up on the fluffy sheets, tucking his legs to cross, his hands to disappear behind the warm hems of the oversized hoodie's sleeves he stole from Felix to fit him better. Cloaking the shaking in his palms and the anxious picks playing his heartstrings like some mimicry of an angelic hymn unsettling him to shift on the mattress. He picked at the sheets beneath him, murmuring as he wondered against the ache in his chest denying him of knowing what he truly felt, "Is it okay if I want to join them?

"Of course it's okay. If you want to join us for dinner, why are you still hiding in here, come on," Minho pressed the door open wider, gesturing with a sweeping motion to force the human out of the room, "Come be a part of us."

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