C h a p t e r S i x

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Love Me Like You Do/-/-/-/-/-/Chapter Six

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Love Me Like You Do
Chapter Six

"Get your pyjamas on." Minho said as he sat the younger boy on the bed. Seungmin didn't want to make Minho more angry so he listened, once he was finished he told Minho who was standing outside his door, waiting for him. "It's late, get some sleep." Minho mumbled, getting into the younger boys bed. Seungmin smiled, he was happy but also shocked that Minho had just let him off.

Seungmin also laid down he watched as Minho closed his eyes and let out a deep breath. "H-hyung... why did you look for me?" Seungmin whispered, Minho slowly opened his eyes and looked at the younger boy. "I'm your hyung, I need to protect you." Minho explained and Seungmin nodded, "hyung, can I ask you something?" Seungmin asked biting his lip, "what?" Minho was struggling to keep his eyes open, "why are you staying in my room again?" Minho frowned his brows, "I can leave." He said about to sit up but Seungmin stopped him, "no no! I don't mind, it's just been awhile." Seungmin mumbled.

"I just want to, now go to sleep." Minho yawned tiredly, "okay." Seungmin quietly said then closed his eyes.

Minho was upset but he couldn't stay mad at Seungmin, he wouldn't of known what to punish the boy with anyway. It's not like he can take his phone away. Minho and Seungmin knew that Jeongin and Seungmin would eventually get a punishment.


Seungmin woke up alone in his bed, he felt kinda upset about how Minho was no longer with him. He stood up and left his room to see Chan, Jeongin and Minho sitting on the sofa, he sighed and walked over to the serious looking Chan and Minho, and the scared looking Jeongin. He sat down and waited for the scolding by both elder boys.

"Now, who's idea was it to sneak out?" Chan asked with crossed arms, "m-mine.." Seungmin admitted, slowly looking down. Chan breathing heavily, "why?" He then asked, "I just thought that me and Jeongin was old enough to go out together." Seungmin mumbled looking up at Chan, "okay, I get that you two are twenty two now but clubs are dangerous." Chan explained and the two younger boys nodded.

"So Minho, what do we do?" Chan asked, Minho looked at him with a smirk. "I don't know, what's something that the two hate doing the most?" Minho asked and Chan smirked. Jeongin and Seungmin looked at each other with scared looks.


Seungmin and a Jeongin had two punishments, which they new they deserved. The two had to clean the house, every room but the other members, except if they asked them to. They also had to go shopping one day. This was going to last all week and they had to do it themselves, no help.

Thank you for reading!
Next chapter out soon! <3

/-/-/-/-/-/Thank you for reading!Next chapter out soon! <3

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