C h a p t e r T e n

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Softcore /-/-/-/-/-/Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

The members noticed the tension between Minho and Seungmin. The two haven't talked all day and they all knew it, it was so obvious, the two wouldn't even stand next to each other. Chan was going to sort this out one, because Changbin had been telling him to and second, Chan didn't like when the band members have drama with each other.

Chan talked with Minho and didn't get much from him. Minho told him that there was no argument, and that they are fine. Chan didn't believe it at all but he didn't want to get too involved.

Minho actually wasn't the one avoiding Seungmin, it was the other way around. Why? Well Seungmin couldn't believe that he admitted why he was upset. He was scared that Minho was upset with him, but really Minho was upset with himself. He left Seungmin because he was confused, he wished he had stayed with him. He made a mistake and he was going to fix it.

Minho knocked on Seungmin's bedroom door but there was no answer, he slowly opened the door and saw no one. His heart started to beat faster as he searched but saw no one. He quickly grabbed his phone from the kitchen and called the younger boy.

There was no answer...

Minho asked every member where he was but no one seemed to know, Minho tried again and called Seungmin. "Where are you? Why didn't you answer the first time? You better come home now." Minho yelled into the phone, in one whole breath. "Hyungg" Seungmin whined, it sounded like he had been crying. "P-pick me up?" Seungmin asked in a stuttering voice, "where are you?" Minho asked, he was grabbing his Jacket and putting his shoes on. "T-the club me and Innie was at." Seungmin mumbled, Minho's eyes widened and he let out a small growl, "I'm coming." He said in a dark tone.

Nearly ten minutes later Minho arrived at the club, he walked in and could only here terrible loud music, he saw people yelling, arguing and kissing. It was all making him sick. He saw Seungmin sitting at the bar, he sped up and once he reached Seungmin he grabbed the boys arm. Seungmin whined at the tight grip the elder had on his arm but Minho didn't care. He wanted to get out of that hellhole.

Before they reached the car Seungmin stopped moving, Minho didn't want to pull his so he let go. "What?" Minho asked crossing his arms, "hyungie." Seungmin cried as he ran closer to him and cling onto him. Minho's eyes slightly widened, he slowly wrapped his arms around the younger boys waist. Seungmin had his arms around Minho's neck and he had his head rested on them.

"I-I'm sorry, very very sorry!" Seungmin yelled as he held onto Minho tighter, Minho sighed and rubbed the boys back. "Why'd you come here?" Minho asked, Seungmin pulled away and wiped his tears, "I was sad." Seungmin's mumbled softly, "why was you sad, puppy?"

Seungmin's eyes widened and his cheeks flushed red, he hadn't heard that nickname for over a year. He felt happy but also very sad. He had so many different emotions in one day he felt like he was going to faint again. He fell slightly and grabbed onto Minho. Minho fell back a little then held onto Seungmin, "what wrong, tell me what's wrong. Please!" Minho yelled, "I wanna go home." Seungmin whined and Minho just nodded, he lifted the younger boy up and carried him to the car. He even did Seungmin's seatbelt up for him.

The ride home was silent, Seungmin was too tired to say anything, he wanted to get into his bed and sleep. The two got home and Minho carried him into the house, Seungmin held onto the elders neck and laid his head into the elder boy's chest.

Minho placed him onto his bed, "you have to get changed pup." He said and Seungmin shook his head, "can't.." was the only word he could say, Minho sighed and nodded, he went over to the boys wardrobe and got some clothes out. He got a plain white shirt and a pair of black shorts. He placed them on the bed then walked into Seungmin's bathroom, he got a flannel and wet it, he also got a dry towel and took them both back into Seungmin's bedroom.

The carefully took the younger boys shirt off and placed it on the floor beside him. He picked the flannel up and started to wipe it along Seungmin's chest. He wiped the younger's arms and sides, he then softly sat his up to wipe his back. He dried him with the towel and put the white shirt on before laying him down again. Once the puppy like boy was laid down comfortably Minho slowly slid Seungmin's trousers off, his ears turned a light shade of red and Seungmin let out a small whine that showed he was shy. Minho hushed him and caressed his hand for a couple of seconds before carrying on. He took the flannel again and began wiping one of Seungmin's small legs, once he finished the first one he did the other one while still holding onto Seungmin's hand. He put Seungmin's shorts on and softly taped his leg, letting the younger boy know he was done.

Once Minho finished he put the flannel, towel, and Seungmin's clothes into the washing basket. He covered Seungmin up and was about to leave when he felt Seungmin grab onto his wrist. "Stay?" He whispered, trying to keep his eyes open. Minho laughed and got into the bed next to Seungmin. He laid close to the younger boy wondering if he should hug him; but before he could do anything, Seungmin wrapped his arms around Minho's neck and buried his head into the elder boy's chest. Minho laid there shocked for a little but he heard Seungmin whine, so he placed his arms around the younger boys waist and placed his chin onto Seungmin's head.

Thank you for reading!
Next chapter out soon! <3

/-/-/-/-/-/Thank you for reading!Next chapter out soon! <3

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