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Love You Like A Love Song/-/-/-/-/-/Chapter Fourteen

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Love You Like A Love Song
Chapter Fourteen

Seungmin came out of his room and saw Changbin, Minho, Jeongin and Chan. He walked over to them and saw that they was watching a show on Netflix. Seungmin saw that there was no more space on the sofa. He walked around the sofa and walked to Changbin who was at the end. He sat down on him and once he heard the elder boy groan he giggled.

Minho watched as Changbin whined about not warning him and now he was hurt, Seungmin rolled it eyes and told him to stop whining and let him sit, his eyes darkened. Minho got jealous a lot, maybe too much. No matter who Seungmin was "flirting" with or touching it angered Minho. He wanted to be the one the puppy like boy flirted with and touched, he didn't mind when Seungmin was just talking to them, of course he didn't, but anything to do with flirting or touching he didn't like at all.

Seungmin looked in Minho's direction and saw that the elder boy was staring at him. He frowned his brows, Minho didn't look away or say anything. Minho stood up and left the room, all four boys was confused — well, except Changbin of course. He was happy to see that Minho was jealous, he now needed Seungmin to go to him.

"What's wrong with hyung?" Jeongin asked, Chan shrugged, "Seungminie, why don't you go ask him?" Changbin suggested, Seungmin turned towards Changbin, "why me?" He asked, "we'll miss the show, now go." Changbin pushed Seungmin off of him. Seungmin crossed his arms and huffed, he then stomped off to Minho's room.

"Hyungg!" Seungmin yelled, there was no answer. "I'm coming in!" Seungmin then said opening the door. He saw Minho on the bed, he was on his phone and looked upset. "Hyung, what's wrong?" Seungmin asked but got no answer, Minho didn't even look at him. "Hyung!" Seungmin shouted, Minho finally looked at him; but he still looked angry. Seungmin wondered if it was because of him or someone else. Although Minho looked at him he didn't say anything.

"Tell me what's wrong!" Seungmin whined, Minho sighed and turned over the other way so that he couldn't see Seungmin and his puppy eyes. Seungmin glared at the back of Minho's head, he then jumped on top of Minho. Minho let out a groan and turned back over to face Seungmin. There was a smile on the younger boys face, an innocent looking one. Minho had dark eyes and a big frown on his face. "You can't be mad at me when I don't know what I did." Seungmin whined, "I'm not mad at you." Minho muttered, "then what's wrong? Tell mee!"

"I was jealous." Minho admitted, Seungmin frowned his brows and pouted. "About what?" Seungmin asked, "I told you enough." Minho said gently pushing the younger boy off of him. "What? No no." Seungmin yelled but Minho didn't listen. He grabbed him by the waist, "it's late, go to sleep." Minho patted the puppy like boys head, Seungmin couldn't be bothered to argue, he was going to save that for the morning.

Thank you for reading!
Next chapter out soon! <3

/-/-/-/-/-/Thank you for reading!Next chapter out soon! <3

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