Chapter 3 - Maturity is overrated

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The pomp and circumstance was more than he could handle. The clan trying in vain to make Rathamin feel like this was important, this was only important to statesmen and religious leaders. Rathamin sat in the prep room, thinking about what was happening and going to happen, He sighed wishing his Mother was here to see him on this day, He lost his Mother in his 10th cycle as she was at a peace conference for the clan. Ganen was the sort of Dragonian, other wanted to be around. this worked well as she was a negotiator for the clan council, and the best in generations. She was tall and beautiful with lovely red scales and glorious wings. Her smile lit up a room and Rathamin couldn't help but be calm in her presence. Likely part of the reason he was thinking about her at a time like this.  

With a deep breath, Rathamin finally stepped out Dressed in his best Camma and blouse, his shoulder armour shined bright, into the moonlight, torches brightly lighting the way down the path and to the Arch of Eternity. The cave bright with hieroglyphs along the entrance and the priests along the wall. On either side of the path is the Clan, several generations in attendance some showing support for their own family members taking the right of maturity ritual as well as Rathamin, others just there for him, likely on the strong advice of his uncle to be there. Some in uniforms Rathamin didn't really recognize based on a different time, era, or war. Other uniforms he knew all to well, comrades in arms who fought with him. Those in Uniform stood at attention for Rathamin. At the end of the walk stood Rathamin's family.

Emier standing there looking so proud, Rathamin smiled and kissed her, Meina, don't look so happy he said as he hugged her tight. Emier put a mature clawed hand on Rathamin's face. Its my prerogative,  as your happy and proud Miena she said. "You be careful and get back the part of you that you lost out there" she said putting her hand on his chest. I'm not sure that's possible but I'll see what I can do he smiled. He looked at Romine, and nods Griena  take care of things while I'm away, his grandfather grabs the back of Rathamin's head and puts it to his. "You get back here fast" he whispered, we need you here. Yes Sir, Rathamin smiles. Finally looking at his Uncle, with sudden realization, Kapor was wrestling deep guilt, he nods at him and shakes not his hand but his forearm, Kapor returns the gesture. Good Journey young one he says trying a smile. I'll see you soon Uncle, Rathamin said in the moment. Finally seeing Lidna, looking  lovely and graceful. He looked at her and frowned, you gonna miss me much? Nope she purred, I'll be too busy. Good, Rathamin says and picks her up and hugs her. She whispers "don't make me miss you" with a purr in his ear. Rathamin turned to the clan priest who hands Rathamin the family sword, handed down through generations of members. The priest speaks in ancient dialect, blessed the Sword, then Rathamin kneeled and the priest blessed him. The priest gestured to the Gate of Eternity. 

Rathamin sheathed the sword and took a step, and another, a prickly feeling all around him, biting cold all over his body, it covered Rathamin from it seemed like everywhere. Rathamin growled slightly as it became to much. Then it all ended, just a different fell, warm and light, bright light everywhere. Rathamin opened his eyes to see...

It was the sun, the Adelade sun, but from no place he recognized. as he looked around himself and surroundings, the sun was warm, warmer than he ever known it to be, he stood in a field, a field of green, the plants swayed and rustled in the breeze, a glorious warm breeze. the distance was a blue sky all around, except for to the, to the east Rathamin was figuring out by the sun and the  breeze,  there were mountains. Rathamin tried to remember his mapping from his lessons, warm, green areas, mountains to the east, he must be somewhere near Belanon. but that cant be, No one ever goes out that far for their right of Maturity. Why would the ancients send me so far out. Unable to believe what he was seeing. Belanon, it had to be. that would put him on the other side of the whole world. "The power of the ancients" he mumbled as he began to walk east. 

Rathamin walked through the field and that led to a dirt road, as he walked he became more aware of his surroundings, birds and insects went about their daily routine, blissfully unaware of the large Dragonian as he lightly ventured the path towards the impressive mountains to the east. suddenly aware it had been a couple hours since he got here he realized that he needed to think about food and water and find shelter at some point. He wasn't even sure how long the days were out here but it seemed a long time. he saw high trees in the distance in another field and decided to venture to see if was what he hoped. With hunter eyes he realized they were indeed Pomerans. he extended his wings and jumped up into the tree, he reached out and grabbed the large red fleshy fruits with orange leaves. the surface was almost  leathery and rough but as Rathamin ripped open the skin, he sniffed the insides, and took a bite of the small red beads and took a second to allow the fragrant and sweet flavor to wash over him. One of his favorite foods but had only tried them a couple times in his life. As a soldier he was in locations they were easy to find. He filled his side bag with several of the fruit and glided back to the ground. As he reached the ground he was met by a large Tigra farmer. Rathamin was taken aback by not only the large cat mans size but his fur and mane, looked quite elegant he thought for a simple farmer, the cat growled in disgust, well Dragon, it would appear you have something of mine he looked sideways at the young Dragonian. Oh I do apologize sir, he stood and shifted his bodies scales, large and proud against the Tigra, just enough to show strength but not to come across as challenging. These are your crops? 

Yes they are the Tigra half purred half growled. Rathamin said I meant no disrespect, I'm Rathamin of house Meela under Kapor, he said almost as a bow. I was brought here by the Dragonian Gate of eternity. Am in in Belanon? The Tigra surveyed the young Dragon for a bit and grunted finally with a grin, I think your Gate is drunk, no Dragon has ever been sent here for rite of maturity. I dont recall a dragon ever being here for that matter.  But the ancients never make mistakes so there must be a reason. I am Targon and these are my fields and my pomerans. The Tigra regarded the Dragon for a second, You seem old for the rite of Maturity? I was in the Karok war Rathamin said painfully. Ah a soldier Targon hissed, very good, I see in your soul you are warrior and made your clan proud. In all likeliness you forces probably saved our country, Yes this is Belanon and I feel you should continue on your way due east to the foothills of the mountains. There is much magic both good and bad and maybe you will find what your looking for there. Maybe even a way home hey, Targon roared as a laugh. Do you have gold boy? Oh yes Targon, Rathamin began to reach in his satchel and Targon stopped him, keep it boy, its late you can rest in my barn and start fresh at sunrise. and with that Targon began to run towards the farm in the distance. Come Dragon he called out show me what you've got!! Rathamin smiled a bit and leapt as high as he could and his wings took him several feet off the ground. the wind rippled his hair and whipped through his scales as he glided close to the farmer, Targon looked older but Rath realized the farmer still had reflexes, he would want to remain on the Tigra's good side. 

Targon reached the barn with Rathamin close behind and the Tigra roared yess I still got it and laughed, Come young dragon, its late, I'd offer you dinner but you've eaten my fruit he chided. Your very kind Targon, Rath said. I appreciate the place to stay. Hey we all went though the trials and I'm a good judge of character, Being a soldier took something away from you. and left scars too, Targon motioned to the chest piece. Anyway its a hay stall and a bucket he hit Rath in the chest with a laugh. Good night soldier, see you at sunrise. And with that the Tigra left for the cottage in the distance. 

Rathamin took stock of his surroundings, a couple of horses were in stalls nearby. not much else but Rathamin did like the large pile of hay in the empty stall and laid down with a sigh. Not the first time he had to sleep with smelly hairy beasts he thought to himself, but at least they didn't snore as loud as some of the soldiers, he thought as he dozed off.

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