Chapter 6 Emily Grant

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Speron flew higher than the tree line before she allowed the smile to cross her face, feeling her whiskers stiffen as she did. She allowed herself to think about what she needed to do now. Mother would demand again she find a mate but she wasn't about to think about that until after she completed this maturity trial. Speron looped in the air allowing the wind to carry her on the wave that lifted her body. She loved how the wind felt on her fur as she glided. as she continued to glide in a wide circle around the males on the ground she realized they were creeping into her thoughts. The dragonian, Rathamin was a great warrior and she wished she had walked in on him earlier when he was dressing, No, no stop it she clamped that thought out of her head as she looped in the air again. Besides, he was older, and broken from the war. No not broken, damaged, she thought to herself. Mother would approve of him but she realized that Rathamin could be a friend but he needed to come to terms of who he was and who he needed to be. 

Without realizing it someone else was in her thoughts, the Elfin, was handsome and he made her laugh though she wouldn't allow him to see it. not now anyway. She did love the colors he turns when he gets flustered. she allowed herself a giggle at that. She decided she wasn't going to think about any of that nonsense until this trial was over. As she continued to fly a glimpse of something caught her eye. A Human was on the run, though Speron couldn't see why, then out of the forest a couple of Lower form Canus wolves ran out in pursuit of the young girl. Speron could see their strong bodies and dorsal spikes on their spines flared back as they moved and ran, obviously hungry, she drew her sword and swooped down. 

As Speron had flew off,  Adnaan and Rathamin walked in silence, Adnaan was thinking about life as he walked, he picked up a large Corey tree limb that had fallen and walked with it. He thought of home and his family, He hoped his dad was ok without him, since losing his sight his father really counted on Adnaan to run the bladesmith shop. Adnaan knew his blades were the finest in Radway, ha likely finest in all of Porran. Too bad Speron hadn't seen his blade when she arrived. Speron was unlike anyone else Adnaan had ever seen and had a power..and she smelt like Fora flowers, and had the loveliest legs. he thought of her form and how graceful she was. Her voice did something to him he didnt understand, it was like, like

A scream echoed and it was close, Rathamin and Adnaan, yelled out "Speron!!" However it was to high a scream, the two ran and Rathamin jumped in the air and glided to an outcropping in the forest. Adnaan though small was fast and ran through the trees with a whoosh as he cleared the other side, in time to see two Canus wolves running after a human girl. Adnaan removed his Taver and ignited it with a buzz it came to life. He couldnt see either Rathamin or Speron as he tried to chase the wolves but they were too fast. Adnaan jumped up and tossed his Taver and hit one of the wolves and it yelped but was still set on its prey. Adnaan ran over and grabbed his weapon and looked up in time to see Speron lunge in the air at the wolves, sending them both flying. 

Immediately the wolves were up again as the girl ran inside a small cottage nearby, "was it naked?" Adnaan whispered to himself as he ran. He moved to assist Speron as she held her ground against the wolves. Where in the name of the ancients was Rathamin he thought. 

"Are you alright"? he said slightly winded to Speron. 

"fine here" she returned, still looking at the wolves as they creeped around the two of them, "What are they waiting for" Adnaan quietly asked Speron as though the wolves may hear.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    As an answer to his question, Adnaan heard wolf cries behind him in the trees then silence. Rathamin jumped out from the tree area and charged the wolves. As He did Speron charged as well. Adnaan held his pose and waited, he anticipated something but didn't know why. To his credit, as Speron charged the wolf it moved to one side and Speron missed her prey, Adnaan Jumped to his left and ran his Taver thru the wolves hind leg cutting it deep. The wolf yelped and it ran back into the forest and was gone. The other wolf in turn ran toward the cottage still intent on its prey, Rathamin jumped into the air allowing the wind to carry him and grabbed the huge animal by its dorsal spines. lifting it up and over the cottage. The wolf clawed with everything it had and ripped a gash in Rathamin's arm Rathamin roared and threw the animal into the nearby lake with a splash. It surfaced and swam to the other nearby bank and ran off. 

Rathamin came down hitting the ground with a wince but watched the wolf leave. Speron, her sword still out in readiness looked over at Rathamin's cut. She noted several scales missing from the area of the wound. "Will that need armour after that to" she asked?" Rathamin looked over at Speron with a glare, and stepped away towards the cottage. 

"Just asking" she teased.

Rathamin called out, "its safe, you can come out now" he yelled. 

A human woman about 19 cycles stepped out and Adnaan realized right away she was indeed naked. "What in the name?" Rathamin gasped as he saw the human as he recalled how weird humans looked naked, he looked at he ground as he said, "Could you please put something on?"

The human smiled slightly, "wow not the reaction I was expecting but I ran in here like this, so I don't exactly have anything with me" she chuckled. Speron reached in her side pouch and removed her garment she had on when she arrived and threw it at the human woman. 

What would you like me to do with this?", she asked with a laugh.

"Cover yourself," Speron said, and walked over to her two friends.                                                          Speron looked at Rath's wound as Rathamin looked at the girl "All right your safe now but you should get home before something bad happens" he said responding to Speron's checking of his wound.  

"Lets go down to the river" Speron said "we should clean out this wound". 

The human interjected, "You don"t want to do that, It could cause an infection". I could help?"

Not unless you put something on Adnaan added. 

"Oh for crying out loud" the human trailed off sliding the garment over her head, looking somewhat rediculous and stomping over to Rathamin to see his wound. She looked at it and walked over to the nearby bush near the cottage. She ripped off several leaves and starts shoving them in her mouth and chewing, "You" she motions over to Adnaan "come here" she says with her mouth full of leaves. Adnaan comes over and the girl shoves leaves in Adnaan's mouth. 

"Now chew". she says, "Dont swallow, their poison" she says mouth still full of leaves. Adnaan not comfortable with a mouth full of poison leaves but does as the human says. Speron lets out a mild gag but holds her composure as the human girl takes the mouth full of leaves and spits it on the wound, after spitting she tells Adnaan to do the same. The Elfin does as she asks and spits it on Rathamins wound. Rathamin realizing he's not feeling well, not sure if its the wound, the blood loss, or the medical aid, looked at his associates in turn as the human spreads the mash in his wound. 

I need something to cover it, the girl says as Rath hands the girl a strip off his shirt from his bag with his free hand. the human covers the wound and says "there, you'll be good by morning.' the three compatriots look at each other, the human rolls her eyes, by sunrise she says finally. 

Oh, ok Rathamin said with a chuckle, well thank you he said. "Now get home, its getting dark he bowed to the girl, as they three turn to leave, 

"I can't" the girl says, "I'm kinda lost", she exclaims. 

Rathamin looked at the girl "ok hows that?

My name is Emily, Emily Grant, I'm doing this thing called a maturity trial, I got here yesterday and I'm not even sure where I am but I have to get this to show that I'm ready to take my place in my group. Emily looked at the three. 

Speron spoke first, Ok um Emily Grant, This is Belanon, and your a long way from home, where is home?

Aries Colony at Perin, she said, wow Belanon, the arch thing was supposed to send me to Agath forest like it sends most of us. How could this be? she sniffs. "Wow I'm gonna die out here" she begins to cry. 

Adnaan interjects, no your not, hey you can join us, we'll watch over you at least until you know what your suppose to do. Just make sure you keep clothes on he chuckled. 

Rathamin and Speron looked at Adnaan in shock, then they look at the human with compassion again.

But I'm a natural she said, sniffling but composing herself. 

Rathamin smiled, well, with us your just a clothed human ok?

Ok, Emily sniffled. 

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