Chapter 20 - Bright Sunshiny day

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To her credit, Emily led the foursome, going deeper into the heavy forest with Speron right behind her, Adnaan followed behind seemingly with the weight of the world on his shoulders. Rathamin took up the rear and kept watch of the group and for predators. 

Speron looked at Adnaan longfully, "Hey, are you ok?"

Adnaan shrugged, "Im just thinking, last nite bothering me. Speron? When the creature showed up last nite? Who did you see?

Speron had a thoughtful look on her face as she reached into her past. "I um, saw a my mom's sister, Merrho, she passed about 5 cycles ago of toradic fever. 

"I saw my auntie too" Emily said not looking back, "My Aunt Gilly died when I was 13 from a Nera riding accident, she got thrown. 

"And I heard you call Mom, Adnaan looked at Rathamin.

Rathamin looked around then looked at his friend, "Yes I lost her when I was a  youngling. 

Speron suddenly partly understood, "You saw your father" ?

"Yeah, Adnaan said as he looked at the ground, trouble is, my Dads not dead. At least he wasn't before I left"? "What If?'

Speron looked Adnaan in the eyes taking him by the shoulders, "Adnaan, I don't think even the Basso could be so evil and cruel as to tell you in that way that your father has died.

"No, but I can see them saying something like that to mess with your confidence. Adnaan, Look you are one of the only one they haven't tried to mess with yet. Rathamin said next to the young Elfling. "Think about it, they have made us see things and do things, Literally turn on one another to further their agenda. Whatever that is"

Adnaan seemed to consider his friends words, "I never thought of that"? he said thoughtfully. "I mean my father has always been hard on me but he wants the best for me. That much I know'. Adnaan sighed "I guess all I can do is hope he's ok."

Emily also put her hand on Adnaan's arm, "hon, your Dad is at home hoping your still alive and worried about when your coming back. she said with a smile. 

"Thanks everybody, I'm sure you're right, lets get moving" Adnaan attempted a smile. 

Speron kissed Adnaan deeply and looked at him, touching his cheek, "I'm sure the Basso would come and get you, Rathamin is right, their trying to keep you off balance. Your Father is safe."

Adnaan took Speron's hand and began to move deeper into the forest, as they walked further, the tree canopy grew more dense and darker. trees both alive and dead made the area harder to pass in. Adnaan and Emily moved all right but Rathamin and Speron, the larger of the group were having trouble navigating the tight tree spaces. 

"Its getting too tight in here" Speron grunted as she tried to move between the trees. Then she looked over at Rathamin who was scaling one of the large trees. She looked over to Adnaan and Emily again to make sure their making out all right, then reached up and scaled the high tree as well. As Speron looked up again she realized Rathamin was gone. 

Adnaan moved with a small degree of difficulty thru the dense forest  with Emily close behind, He looked back in time to see Speron climb a tree up and out of the thick forest canopy. Trudging through the heavy underbrush with Emily in tow as he broke branches to advance further. 

"Use your tool Weapon thing" Emily grunted as she untangled herself from another tree branch. "Cut us a path so we can at least move!"

Adnaan, feeling stupid he didn't think of that, yeah good idea he groaned as he lifted it and with a snap hiss the blade came to life, slicing branches with ease as they moved more easily forward. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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