Chapter 12 - Learning to Live and other horrors

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Speron was looking at the teaching tablet on the wall in disbelief, The Falc people have worked alongside the Dragonians for generations, assisted in the development of one another's culture's for 1000 cycles, This was ludicrous. 

"Your telling me My primary assignment is to ensure the dragons don't find the chamber with the dagger?" she said finally trying to hide the anger creeping in her voice.

"Well, not in so many words, but if the the Dragonians find the dagger they will see that as their birthright and they will feel they are the rightful rulers of the lands. And If the falcs find the Dagger, it will defiantly be civil war with the Dragonians of the like this world has never known.

"Who determined that" Speron asked not bothering to hide the anger this time.

"The ancients", Ro'can shot back. "Believe me child the balance will shift in a bad way for us all."  "The doctrine of the ancients show a terrible war that will be the end of millions.

Speron put her claw hands over her face, "This is not the kind of thing that we should be dealing with at a time like this" she said into her hands. 

"Actually Speron, this is exactly what has fallen to several others before, and we've always been able to maintain the balance". Ro'can said as he took a sip of his tea. 

"So to pass and go home I have to fail?'

"No dear, you have to shift the balance in our favor, his loss is your win, and you return to your family. Ro'can said with a smile. Speron, you go and rest, your ready for this, your family has every confidence in you. Go get a cup of tea, you'll feel better. you've done well". Ro'can said with a smile. 

Speron got up, feeling uneasy but not wanting any more information from Ro'can, "Yes a cup of tea will male everything all better" she said hoping it didn't come across too sarcastically. she walked out and as she went she flapped her wings slightly, trying to shake off Mr creepy in there. she walked to the common area, and saw Rath sitting there at the table looking like the weight of the world was on his shoulders. She sat next to him.

"How did it go" she said to Rath with a smile. 

Rathamin sighed "Well, about as well as I should have expected. Our administrator has a unique way of telling us things without telling us anything"

"Bloody creepy is what he is" she half whispered back. 

Rathamin drank from a tankard, and with a grunt, said were off to the mountains to finish this soon I guess. 

After some rest" Speron groaned. then realizing, "wait, your naked?!"

"No Im not Rathamin said frustatedly, "What are you talking...ohhh"

Where's your armor? Speron looked at Rath's shoulder. taking a close look.

Rath figited uncomfortably but allowed the Falc to view his wound. She touched it gently, it healed well, she said.

"Oh yeah" Rath hissed "almost normal for sure, but at least it works". 

Adnaan, came around the corner, looking no worse for the wear, "hey guys, how'd it go?"

"Fine," they said in unison. 

"Oh, ok" he laughed, "that's convincing". 

We'll talk tomorrow about the needs from this point on. Rath said. 

"So what are you doing with his armor?" Speron said to Adnaan as she sat close to him wrapping an arm around him.

"Just fixing it", he said with a half smile, and making..improvements.

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