Chapter 4 - Adnaan Farooq

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Rathamin awoke to a delighful smell he had never smelled before, the fragrance was harsh and delighful all at he same time. He opened his eyes to Targon standing over him with a large cup of some hot liquid in his furry hand, Good morning soldier Targon said almost melodically. Did you sleep well? Rathamin came to the sudden realization he had slept quite well, he simply put it down to being so tired from the events of the day before. Rath stood and stretched himself both up and out as he also stretched his massive wings too.  This had the effect of spooking the horse creatures and them causing a neigh. Oh easy girl Targon said as he calmed the beast. Where did you get the human horse creatures he said. Oh this is for you Targon handed the cup to Rathamin. What is it he asked sniffing the delightful aroma. The humans grow it, its called Coffee. Rathamin regarded it with a sneer but tried the hot beverage. Wow he said, taking another sip. thats wonderful he said. You like to collect human things Rath questioned as he motioned to the horses? 

No, I have human neighbors and the horses they board here, their farmers too, they grow the beans here to make their coffee, and the bring me some and I grind it for the drink. Apparently thats how they do it. Rath went to the other side of the partial wall with the bucket, taking care of business, and came around the corner after using the bucket, "Well  I should be moving on, I need to get to those mountains". "I'll leave you and thank for for all your hospitality Targon". Ranthamin took a final drink from the cup, Targon as he said his goodbye he handed Rathamin a bag. just food supplies, you eat to much of those Pomerans, it will rot your insides."  "Its just sandwiches and eggs." "I dont suppose you added some of that coffee?" Rath asked?"  "No, afraid not. Besides you couldn't carry it." Rathamin shook the Tigras hand and with a smile he said "thanks again" and headed out to the road.                                                                                                                                                                          

Walking along Rathamin was wondering to himself again how this could happen, he had never heard of anyone ever going here, to someplace so remote, so alien, when a shimmer caught his eye, there wasnt anyone there a second ago, but now a different creature,  someone else's rite of maturity here? now? Rathamin walked up to the fence as an Elfin began to try to understand what they were going though. Rathamin leaned on the fence and pawed at a pomeran and waited, the Elfin opened their eyes and looked around and seemed to like their surroundings, until they saw the leaning Dragonian with the huge elfin slicing sword, with incredible speed the small Elfin came out with some round multi headed cutting weapon and wielded it with expert precision. Hold, hold, Rathamin said with his arms up. I mean you no harm, he stood his ground but not threateningly.

"Who, who are you?" the elfin said. "My name is Rathamin from the House Meela under Kapor" he said, "and this is where you make your introduction?!" The Elfin seemed to consider the information for a second and replied, "I am Adnaan Farooq" he said just matter of fact. and with that he slid the awesome weapon back in a pouch in his top. "Why are you here Dragonian?" "My Right of maturity trials." Rathamin interjected with a bit of a smile. Adnaan considered this, "me too," Adnaan added." "You look a bit old for the trials now?' Adnna asked. Yeah? said Rathamin, and I don't want to talk about it right now. "Again the Elfin looked puzzled, ok your a bit touchy, Rathamin frowned slightly and throws a piece of funny looking red fruit to the Elfin, you look hungry kid he said and begins to walk away. Adnaan steps in next to Rathamin and tries to keep up, hey slow down will you, I've got regular sized legs he said, not those tree trunks like you. Yeah well no one said you had to join me Rathamin shot back. yes true Adnaan thought as he ripped open the fruit taking a bite, but it makes sense, at least right now Adnaan said. As they walked for a bit, Adnaan realized more about his situation. I'm from Radway he said, Wow snorted Rath, I thought I was a way out. Why Adnaan said, where are you from? Taimor Valley? Nope Rathamin smiled, Taygor Mountains. Wow high born Adnaan whistled. Ahh doesnt mean much to me Rathamin laughed. What are we supposed to do here do you think, Adnaan finished the fruit and wiped his chin. At this point I'm not sure Rathamin said but the mountains may have some answers, or so I was informed. 

After walking for a while,  Adnaan looked up at Rathamin, ok so as I understand from what your saying, Some tigra farmer with nice fur, "your words by the way" Adnaan teased, as Rathamin just looked back with a raised eyebrow, this Tigra suggested we go to the mountain range and look for some magic? Yes? With a nod Rathamin submitted yea that about covers it he said admiring the view around him, AND that is our Right of maturity test Adnaan continued to tease. Well It may be mine, as I said before Rath shot back at the Elfin. As I said before you didn't have to join me Elf, Rathamin snorted. Rude Adnaan shouted and pulled out his weapon again dont ever call me that. Your right Adnaan, Rathamin put his arm out and said as he walked. I apologize for that. after a few quiet seconds of walking on the road, Besides, did you consider MY right of maturity may be to help you? Ha maybe to save your life! Rath seemed to consider the notion, no, your right, I did not he said with a huff. I'm happy to make your acquaintence. Adnaan nodded, yep no doubt you need me, you need my brains. Rathamin teased back, why would they be tasty on cray toast with Pradis? the two laughed. Finally Adnaan motioned to Rathamins sword, you don't pull that out much do you he said. Rathamin put his claw on it and said No, if that comes out, that means someone's life will end. I was a soldier. I've seen enough death for several lifetimes, so only if its required. 

The two reached the edge of a small settlement village, and as they walked they became aware the villagers were looking at them and as they walked creatures from other clans and beings were selling wares and offering services but among them three large bofini's. Bofini are a large bear like creature with vicious tempers and bad attitudes. They approched the two young men with disgust in their eyes. You two dont belong here the front one hissed. Good evening gentle creatures Adnaan said in a sing song tone as Rathamin just stood there at his full height with hand on his sword. We are just passing through here and wanting to stop to clean up and rest, can you recommend a good place for afternoon meal Adnaan smiled up at them. Rathamin realizing that Adnaan had his hand in his front pocket again. We said move along the bofini in the back said, why my good creature Adnaan continued I dont think you understand, we'd like to get cleaned up and were very tired, so please, move aside. With a flash the bofini moved to grab Adnaan and the Elfin jumped back as he swiped out with his weapon and sliced off the bofinis hand at the wrist. He jumped back with a howel as the front one slid out a large machette type sword and Rathamin was equal to the task slamming his sword against it and causing the bofini to stumble back, but with a kick as he fell Rathamin fell back as well and lost his balance as the third tried to slam Rathamin in the face. In a flash and a roar the third one was hurled back by a large furry blur, as Targon ripped the throat out of the bofini with lighning fast reflexes. Adnaan shifting his balance back on his feet dispaches the one with the sword with a quick flick to the bofini's throat. and he falls flat. You see I told you id save your life, Adnaan chuckles with a sudden realization he has taken a life. He looked at his victim and sits on the ground. Targon reaches out and helps Rathamin up. I thought there may be trouble if you came out to the vilage. I owe you Rathamin said. The Dragonian and the Tigra help Adnaan up and dust him off as a large glorious bird of prey decends in the middle of them, as tall as Rathamin the female falc stands with wings outstretched and looks at the three her gold  and brown body seems almost furry not bird like but accented by a silver top that hugs the newcomers curves. as the three look up in disbelief four words escape Adnaan's mouth

I saw her first..

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