Chapter 16 - Dreams & Fantasies

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Rathamin attempted to focus as he opened his eyes, the twinkling in his line of vision kept him out of focus. "Emily?" he said groggily "Cal" he said slowly. He tried to get up but his head was pounding and swimming. Though he felt he wasn't alone.

He turned to one side to see a large silhouette standing over him and his eyes focused as Kreon stood over him with his battle axe. With a fluid motion Kreon swung the axe like he was going to attack....and he was gone.

Rathamin looked around and realized he was alone. But wasn't. Someone or something in the shadows. Rathamin heard it breathing.

Out of the shadow, Emily appeared naked and walked up to Rathamin, she grabbed his face and kissed him fully on the lips, Rathamin began to protest and once again realized, he was alone. 

"What is going on? Who is here"? Rathamin growled to the darkness.

"A friend" another voice growled in return from the dark.

"How can I be sure"? Rathamin asked sarcastically.

"I haven't killed you yet"? The voice teased. 

"Not exactly how I'd define friendship" Rathamin said with a half laugh. 

"Well at least I'm not planning on killing you like your friends!" The voice hissed. 

"None of them are trying to kill me" Rathamin growled at the nothingness.

A roar of laughter echoed through the chamber so loud Rathamin found it deafening, finally it puffed, "At least one in your party very much has murder on their mind, someone you trust' the voice came back reassuringly. 

"You're lying, we all have a common goal, common interest" Rathamin said frustrated. 

"No, you will die, in a cave like this, like so many others before you". The voice said amusedly. 

Rathamin saw a light from a corner of the cave and ran to it, his axe he swung low and smashed through the rock allowing the light in as Rathamin swung to attack the voice mocking him, to see he was alone again in the lit cave, not a soul around but with a final tease he heard only in his ears "Rathamin" the voice said.

The large Dragonian awoke with a yell, swinging wildly as he rose from the sleep, he was dirty and wet from probably the decent into the ground, and the puddle he was laying in. dropping the axe and looking around for his supplies, he growled to himself and wiped himself off. wondering for probably the hundredth time but saying out loud, "What have I gotten myself into". Tasting dirt he wiped his mouth and picked up the supplies and axe. He began to make his way down a long narrow tunnel where he hoped he would find his compatriots. 

Emily opened her eyes, she took a deep breath in and felt the fragrant aroma in her nose of...home, smelling jasmine, cinnamon, like....baking. She opened her eyes, she saw home, but as it was long ago, before, but it couldn't be. 

Emily looked around and saw her mothers home, lived in, alive, new again. bright and cheerful, just as she tried to remember it. fresh cinnamom buns sat on the counter. warm and steaming. Emily smiled as she heard someone come around the corner. She turned to see "MOM!" she yelled.

Her Mother stood in the doorway to the kitchen, in a jumpsuit with an apron tied around her waist. Emily hugged her mom tight. Junie looked down at her daughter puzzled "You ok Emily" her mom said with a smile. looking down at her daughter.

"Yes Mom" Emily said in a slightly unrecognizable voice. I just wanted a cinnamom bun, she said as she reached out her arm to grab one, she noticed a young girls arm reach out instead of her own. Her mother took her little hand in her own, "No, I told you not before dinner" Junie said to young Emily, and stop calling them that, your nine seasons old now, its cinnamon buns. 

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