Chapter 8 Kreon Ty

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Rathamin watched as Adelade's first moon (Cava), disappeared on the Eastern horizon beyond the mountains. he was still deep in thought, thinking about his Mother, her words, and it made him feel uneasy and kind of off balance. A couple hours passed and by that time, Rathamin had gone from sitting on a log inside the barn to a new log outside. He started a fire as the sunrise started on the western side, Rathamin was watching the second moon (Priya) disappear in the North East. He was still deep in thought and considering his next moves. Should he venture on without his new friends, no, that didnt make a lot of sense, and besides, then he'd worry about their welfare when he wasnt around, not to mention Adnaan would likely hunt down Rathamin anyway. Besides, what if his Mother's words were just a dream, Rathamin started considering that possibility when Speron sat on the log next to him. She pulled a small red fruit from her bag as Rathamin looked at her.

"No Thanks" he said looking at her.

Speron smiled slightly and spread the fruit pulp on her lips, she looked at Rathamin again with a side glance. "You sure" she smiled motioning to hand him the small fruit. .

Rathamin felt silly at missing that, he gave the falc a bun and took another for himself.

"Any idea yet why were here" Speron said as she tore open the bun.

Not a clue Rath sighed, but..we should be at he mountains within two sunsets. If we all end up there. Rath took a big bite of his bun.

"Yes" Speron agreed, "I have no idea why I was sent way out here and what the ancients are thinking. hell if its the ancients, I dont know"

"Whats more alarming is how or why does Emily Grant..Emily fit into all this" Rathamin sighed.

Speron smiled, she's gonna save you life. the two laughed. "Sorry I tried to remain serious on that really, I did try."

Rathamin looked at Speron, well whatever it is that brought us together, I'm glad were on this quest together he said seriously.

Me too, she agreed.

Speron just put herself together as Adnaan stepped into the daylight with a yawn.

We should get this day going Adnaan said as he stretched.

Emily came out and walked to a nearby tree, she picked several handfulls of what Rathamin thought was berries. then turned at the three with a smile, "well we should get moving, a lot of distance to cover slowpokes" she said and flipped her hair and started walking North.

Rathamin regarded her choice for a second and then called her.."Emily?" She turned and Rath pointed East. "Oh" she squeaked and started her journey that way.

As Rath and Speron slid their gear in their bag, and put out the fire, Adnaan looked at the two warriors, "What's a slowpoke?" The two just shrugged as their all started to follow Emily.

The four walked and get to know one another better, Adnaan asking Emily about humans and human life.

"As a natural, isnt it hard to carry equipment or weapons" Adnaan asked Emily.

"Sure sometimes but were told god provides us with what we need in times of challenge" she said.

"Really?" What about those wolves yesterday?" Adnaan said with a chuckle. "Didnt look like your god provided much to help you yeasterday now did he?" he said quite proud of himself.

"Well I would have to disagree",  Emily said in a bubbly tone. "I got in time exactly what I needed to survive, don't you think?"

"How so Adnaan said sarcastically.

"God brought me the three of you" she said as she touched his nose, and then walking ahead of him.

Speron walking behind made a frown and said, "yeah she's kinda got you there. As she also touched the elfins's nose, and kept walking.

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