Chapter 14 - Foothills of Fortune

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As the day progressed the six wandered through the trail to the edge of what started a more rocky terrain, the forest and trail gave way to some hills and the crew saw the mountain area in the distance, now about a day away. As well the terrain itself seemed more difficult to cross being more rocky with outcropping of dense spiny vegetation areas. The afternoon sun making the mountains in the distance shadowing and looking more menacing.

Adnaan was quick to voice out loud what everyone was thinking "Well it looks like the easy part is over".

Rathamin surveyed the area and the distance with the terrain, this will definitely slow us down, unless we can fly over it?" he looked at Speron.

Speron looked at Rathamin, "Its worth a look from the air" she said as her wings outstretch and jumped into the air. As she does a gust of wind whips in and pushed her crashing back to the ground. Emily and Adnaan rushed to help her back up. 

"You all right?" Adnaan said grabbing Speron, as the two help her back up. 

"That was weird" Rathamin said with a confused look and he tried to lift off and was also sent back to the ground unceremoniously. 

Kreon looked at the sky, "Apparently the ancients aren't going to let us do that, I guess were walking" he said and proceeded to start up the hills. 

"I feel safer on the ground anyway" Emily chimed in.

Speron wiped herself off and picked up her gear looking at the sky, "You could have warned us?!"

Adnaan chuckled, "I get the feeling that was the warning". he took Speron's hand. 

The crew continued the trek up and down the rocky foothills slowly and without warning Kreon cried out in pain, "Groooowwll" as Emily looked up to see the Dragonian with a spear from one of the outcropping in his shoulder about 10 inches long. He immediately grabs the sharp barb, and pulls.

Emily shouts, "Don't rip that out"!

Kreon yanked it out leaving a gash as purple blood gushes from the wound. smaller barbs protuding from the wound. Emily grabbed a group of leaves and pushed it onto his wound, causing Kreon to yell out again. "Hold him down!" Emily yelled out

Rathamin held him down as Emily tried to stop the bleeding, "Speron we have to get the barbs out or the wound wont close. she said in a panic. "I Cant grab them!"

Speron reached to the wound and pulled the barbs, with each one Kreon got more angry and yelled out. Rathamin growling to hold him down. as Speron grabbed the last barb out, Emily managed to get the wound closed with a towel and antiseptic. Finally she dressed the wound and said with a sigh, "There, your all done"

Kreon sat up slowly, and growled, "all right, we know to stay clear of those outcropping spines"

Adnaan poured water on Emily's and Speron's hands to clean off the purple blood. Without warning Speron turned and threw up, Emily grabbed her soothing her "It's ok, its over, you did good, just breathe deep"

Rathamin looked over and caught out of the corner of his eye in time to see a large cloud of dust come over the entire foothills as Cal comes over the hill in a dead run, yelling "Get down!!" 

Adnaan grabbed Speron and pulled her close as they dove head first into the dirt, Speron's wings covering the two of them, Likewise Rathamin hid Emily under him as the dust storm engulfed them. Cal reached up and slid his jacket over his face feeling the storm slam into him from behind. 

For several minutes, the storm ripped at them, wind howling as Rathamin felt himself being buried by the storm. Emily was quiet but Rath could tell by her breathing she was scared. "Its ok Emily, were gonna be ok".

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