Chapter 5 - Speron

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With Weapons still drawn. Rathamin looked over the attractive Falc woman, finally addressing her, hello, Im Rathamin of the House of Meela under Kapor, and you are? With a curt smile the woman looked at Rath, I am Speron of Allomon under Oran. Targon spoke next, I am Targon of,  my farm he said uninterestedly. Adnaan looked at the warrior more like a meal than a warrior, I am Adnaan Farooq of Radway he said in his attempt to be charming, he held out his hand to take Speron's. She looked at Adnaan with amusement, charmed to meet you all she said as her wings slid back to their resting on her back.  

Rathamin still looking at the young Falc in admiration, "You from around here? he asked.

With a half smile Speron said slyly, "does this look like Falc territory" she gave Rathamin and upward flick on his chin. She sighed "No i've been here a couple daylight cycles", as she moved she showed gracefulness of a cat more than a falc, "And quite honestly I am still trying to figure out why. My maturity celebration brought me here, wherever here is. 

"Belanon, Adnaan said quickly, your in Belanon my dear, he attempted far more confidence than he had, "and Im also on my maturity trials he said, leaning back on a nearby fence. And I believe its to help my Friend here to discover who he needs to be" he said with a snort motioning to Rathamin. 

With that, she looked at Rathamin again, and then over him, taking him in, raising an eybrow and purred, well you have the legs for the camma anyway, "What is your quest warrior, she mused". 

Rathamin shifted and adjusted his scales in responce to the compliment and the question before him. I'm here on my right of maturity, and my friend Targon here thought based on the land that I may find what I need at the foothills of the mountains to the east" he motioned. "So thats where were headed. 

Speron looked at the trio, "well that sounds noble and worthwhile, I think" she seemed to ponder the thought. "maybe I can come along for a bit until im sure of where and what I need to do?" She said with a smile. "Can we get something to eat, I'm starving? 

Targon looked around at this young crew, "well children, I think this is where I'll leave you, I have pomerans that need my attention he said and looked at each of them, as he handed Speron a sandwich. and began to walk away. 

Rathamin took a step to stop him, why dont you join us?" he said sincerely. 

Targon looked at the young warrior, and frowned slighty, and seemed to consider his words, "when you get to a certain age you begin to get a certain, wisdom, whether its from the ancients, or maybe the planet, or something higher, that you need to do something, or be somewhere. Its not here" he pointed at Rathamins head, its here he put his Tigra paw on Rath's armour, "and that wisdom is telling me I've done what was required and return to my life" he said. It has also told me, that ive made a new friend he said. Good Journey young warrior, your in good company. 

"Will I see you again old friend" Rath smiled?

" Only the ancients know, Targon said sternly, and turned and after a couple of steps began to run in the direction he had come from, and shortly he was gone from sight. 

Rathamin, seemed to consider the wise friends words with puzzled mind, not quite understanding. Then turned to his new friends, Speron of Allomon under Oran, I would be honored if you join us in this quest, he said with a half frown, then smiled just a bit looking at her. 

Speron considered his words, very well Dragonian, my sword and talents are yours, for now." "However I wont be walking the entire way, my wings require exercise" she said matter of fact.

One of the villagers, approached the group and smiled, thank you, "I am Cranick, I am the haed of this village, these three have kept us enslaved for several cycles, but we could do nothing to stop them". "We dont believe in violence, so all we could do was pray for deliverance to the ancients, and this day they answered", "If we can repay you all in some way we would be happy to do so."

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