Chapter 4. The Break-up

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29 april 2021

After Lucy, Keira and Georgia went to see us play against West Ham United there were some questions asked by fans. Some of them thought that Georgia may have a girlfriend within the Arsenal squad and Lucy and Keira were so kind to come with her. Most of the fans assumed they just came to watch their England teammates play.

Sometimes it troubles me, I want to show off Lucy to the whole wide world as my girlfriend. It's not like we are hiding anything. Our high-fives linger some more seconds before letting each other go. Our hugs seem more lovingly then just a quick hug and still nobody notices.

The girls stayed the night. Keira and Georgia in the guest-room and Lucy with me, obviously.

She is still asleep, while I already have seen all the fans questions about their visit. I lay my phone back on my nightstand and snake my arms around her to hold her closer. It wakes her up. "Hey you, good night of sleep?" She asks with a groggy voice.

"With you next to me, always." I respond giving her a kiss.

"I love waking up next to you too. So much." Lucy says like a child, showing me with her hands how much exactly.

We lay in bed several more minutes before Lucy starts to strike up a conversation. "Something is on your mind, tell me." She asks calmly while stroking my hair.

"I just... you probably think it's silly." I say returning to my side of the bed.

"Hey nothing you say is silly, although you are my silly girl. Just please tell me." She hovers over me looking at me with a pleading look in her eyes.

"Sometimes I feel like... ugh I don't know how to say it without it coming out wrong." I say covering my eyes with my hands, finding it difficult to find the right words.

Lucy takes my hands in her own and kiss them. "What if you say it and I won't judge if it comes out wrong. You know I will be there for you no matter what right? You are my one."

"That's what this is about though, the fans make me doubt if I really am your one." I get out stroking her cheeks. "All they talk about and see is how affectionate you are towards Keira. While I know you two are only friends and it's platonic. I just sometimes hope they notices our love."

"That's not weird babe, I didn't know you struggled with it so much. I also get crazy about what they say. Like I can't even stand next to her or they think something of it. And if you're not comfortable with it, we can do something about it you know?" She says reassuring.

"Like what, Luce?"

"You know the bikini photo..." She says smirking and tickling my sides.

"Lucia Roberta Tough Bronze, I'm not going to share our bikini photo that one is not appropriate for the fans." I say trying to sounds stern, but with her tickling me it makes it really hard to keep serious.

When I break my sternness, she attacks me with kisses. "I love you balls, but we can share a picture you know."

"I love you more and would love to share a picture. Only if you are ready for it though."

"I am love, I totally am. Although I hate breaking Keira's heart, I wonder how she will react to the news."

"She would be devastated. Doesn't see it coming for sure. Maybe you need to tell her first. A break-up messages, she deserves that after you two were 'together' for all those years." I say sarcastically.

"It has been a long time indeed. We will tell her today, together."

We get out of bed and make ourselves ready for the day. The girls drive back to Manchester later today, so we want to enjoy the time we still have together.

After I'm showered and changed, I make my way to the living room. The others are all up and awake. By awake I mean loud. "Good morning Liv, we decided to go bowling today and beat your ass after last time." Georgia exclaims.

"You are no game for me Stanway, you still need the rackets to be up to hit one pin." I say sticking out my tongue at her.

"Kids calm down, we all know I will win." Leah butts in onto the conversation, gesturing us to calm down with her hands.

"We will see about that one Williamson, the game is on." I stick out my hand for her to shake. "May the best player win."

Once we finish our breakfast we make our way to the bowling centre. It's almost empty, only two other bowling lanes are occupied.

As predicted the win is going between Leah and me. Lucy is in third at the moment and the other two are in this for the fun. We are in the last round and Leah just threw two strikes. She is some points in front of me because of the throws. In order for me to win I need to throw a strike and a spare.

Before I throw the ball, to the make strike, Lucy comes up to me. She hugs me from behind, while I'm holding the ball. "You can do this babe, show Leah who the better bowler is." She says and gives me a kiss before getting back to her place.

"You two are such cheese balls Luce, with Alix around you're not so tough like your name would suggest." Keira says winking at her.

"Oh shut up, we all know I'm the toughest of all of us." Lucy states nudging Keira.

In the meantime, I'm ready to make a strike. I take some steps back and walk forward. The ball rolls and rolls in a really straight line. I think it was hard enough to make a strike, but you never know. I kneel down to see how the ball hit the pins. All the pins are down. "Get in!" I shout getting up and throw my fist in the air.

"You haven't won yet, you need at least a spare." Leah says hoping I won't make the spare.

I make myself ready for my last couple of throws. Some steps back, walking forward, let the ball loose. It feels like the ball is rolling for an hour. All the girls are standing next to me holding onto each other in excitement. Hoping I hit as many pins as possible to later make a spare of it.

All the girls start to jump, even Leah. I don't need an extra throw, I made another strike. Which means I'm the winner.

"It was a pleasure to play against you, better luck next time." I say hugging Leah.

"Can we swap shirts? I'm a really big fan." She says like a fangirl.

After our fun day at the bowling alley we sit in a coffeeshop to calm down a bit before the girls drive back to Manchester. "Kei... Alix and I need to tell you something." Lucy starts the conversation after some time.

"Oh god what is this about." Keira asks unsure of what we are about to say.

"Well although we both love you with everything in our hearts, Lucy is breaking up with you." I say.

"Oh shit, things just got real. I feel like I'm in a tv show, where are the camera's?" Georgia exclaims sarcastically while looking around the room in search for the cameras. We all laugh at her banter.

Keira wipes a fake tear from her face. "I knew this day would eventually come and I enjoyed every minute of it, but you two belong together. Go show the fans all the love you got." Keira says smiling. "I'm proud of you girls to finally take the step."

"We are waiting for the right moment to share it, but couldn't do it without a heads up." Lucy says while stroking Keira's arm. We all end up laughing about this silly conversation.

Leah and I are saying goodbye to the City girls. I hug Lucy really thigh for the last time. I really hate saying bye to her. She is like my go to person. I want her next to me forever. Even her going to Manchester is too far for my liking.

They are driving away with Keira behind the wheel. Lucy rolls down her window. "I love you balls!" She shouts through the neighbourhood. "I love you too Luce!" I shout back. 

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