Chapter 9. Playing with your heart

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The competition has come to an end, so Lucy and I decided to go to Ibiza for two weeks. First we will be alone and later some of our friends fly in. Due to Covid we can't go on vacation like we used to, but the house in Ibiza has a private beach, swimming pool, enough bedrooms, basically everything we need to enjoy our time up there with some friends.

Before all of that can take place, I have a meeting with Hege Riise about why she didn't select me for the Olympics and if there is something I can approve about my playing style. Beth also has her meeting today, before me, so I'm picking her up.

"What do you think she will say?" Beth asks looking out the window while I'm driving.

"She better not come with some bullshit reason about me losing my parents, because I'm perfectly capable to play." I let my anger out taking the stirring wheel more firmly in my hands.

"Relax Liv, don't heat yourself up too much." Beth calms me down taking one of my hands in hers.

I interlock our fingers, loving the calmness her soft hand gives me. "I'm sorry, I just... she probably will say something like that and I will hate her for it."

"That's fine Liv, I won't blame you but you need to remember to not take out your anger onto her. Hell, we don't even know if she will be around the next time we will go to the Olympics, so you need to stay on her good side."

Before we know it, we are at the facility. I have this weird feeling about all of it. Scared I will get angry and can't control my emotions. Like I ever could control my emotions before, but it got worse over time.

I'm waiting in front of the room while Beth is inside. Once she is finished she is not that composed anymore. There is this anger surrounding her. That same anger she sometimes has when she is on the field, the anger that makes her an insanely good player.

"What did she say Beth?" I take her in for a hug.

"If I tell you, you will be mad at her and won't keep your cool, just have your talk please." She says now crying in my arms.

I dry her tears and give her a kiss on her forehead. "I won't be long alright, I'm back before you know it." She slightly smiles at me after I release her from the hug. "And mad I'm." I whisper to myself. If you have the audacity to make Beth angry and cry, then you are on the wrong side of me.

I walk in or more storm in and look her straight in the eyes before I sit myself down. "I want to keep this conversation short, so talk." I say stern.

"You talked to Beth I assume." She states.

"I didn't have to, her body language told me everything I needed to know." I say making myself comfortable in the chair not looking at her anymore.

She sighs at my words and behavior. "This is why you are not selected Alix, because-..."

"Because what? I stand up for my friends who have been threated wrong? That's really what you are going to say to me?!" I stand back up slamming my hands on her desk, totally forgetting what Beth told me about staying on her good side.

"No because you currently only act with your heart on and off the field." She says to me still being calm.

"Isn't that what you want? Us playing with our hearts for our country?" I say in a mocking tone, like so many coaches had said it before in the dressing room, walking away from the desk.

"For some players and some occasions that's what we want, yes..."

"Just not for me? As long as I remember I have always played with my heart." I interrupt her again.

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