Chapter 24. In need of a buddy

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15 September 2021

Sharing a room with Ella has been an exhilarating experience, although the staff might beg to differ. From their perspective, our pairing, has been a huge mistake and who is there to blame? The new staff, unfamiliar with our dynamic, had obviously underestimated the challenge of keeping us in check. Our laughter echoes through the hallways louder than ever, as we persistently test the boundaries, always on the verge of bending them a little.

Complicating matters, both Ella and I struggle with punctuality, often running fashionably late to planned activities or practice. I take more responsibility for that one, being aware that I'm slowing Ella down a lot. While she always wisely manages to depart earlier and arrives on time. I'm constantly engaged in a race against the clock.

Today, the absence of Ella exacerbates my struggle as she tends to other duties before practice. I find myself getting ready alone in our room, no other companion to somewhat keep track of time.

Fully prepared, I head downstairs. Bypassing the changing room as our footballing gear is not yet required. As I approach the pitch, I find the team gathered in a circle at its centre. I wonder, for a fleeting moment, if I have miraculously managed to be on time for once.

Joining the circle, draws all eyes my way. "Three guesses who managed to be late again..." Beth remarks, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

"No, no I'm right on time, it's..." I start defending myself, glancing at my sports watch. "Indeed, five minutes late. Great." I huff out, annoyed at my chronic tardiness.

While the girls chuckle a bit, the calm and serious voice of Sarina cuts through. "Is being late a habit of yours? Do we need implement a buddy system – when they go you go with them?" She suggests.

Before I can protest, Leah interjects. "I think that will be brilliant." She beams with a smirk evident on her face.

Beth laughs the hardest at the prospects of someone babysitting me. "Alright then and your buddy will be Beth." Sarina declared, catching Beth off guard. She immediately stops laughing and looks surprised at the manager.

"You're kidding me, right? Let Lucy do it when she gets back, she is with her all the time after all." Beth suggest, not at all thrilled about the new rule.

"Maybe... that's the problem, always drooling all over each other, those two." Mary chimes in on the conversation, really liking where this is going.

"Shut up, Mearps. You're not helping my case here." I protest.

Despite the commotion, Sarina remains resolute. "It's settled, Beth you will make sure Alix is on time from now on." Sarina declares, redirecting the focus to the impending training session ahead.

17 September 2021

Even though I hate everything about it, the buddy system is working. I haven't been late since the rule was implemented two days ago. Leah and Mary however, revel in it, particularly because Beth is the designated babysitter. Their laughter rings in the background every time they witness me strolling onto the pitch, Beth hurriedly leading the way.

Setting aside the amusement of it all, I sincerely hope this rule is only temporary. As it threatens to disrupt all my intimate moments I share with Lucy during our camp stays. For now, however, I'm handling it.

Speaking of time, the clock ticks down to out gathering in the hotel lobby for our journey to the stadium. Ella has already left, anticipating my time-consuming preparations. Beth, never one for patience, waits impatiently in my room. Did I already mention I just got out of the shower? Because I just did and the ten minutes is a tight window to work with.

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