Chapter 15. Beth News

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24 July 2021

Jordan, Beth and I just came home from a day out in Manchester. It was a relaxing day full of walking, shopping and eating. Once we arrived home we all went our own way. Jordan is in the shower and probably taking a nap after. I am chilling and reading a book in the living room. Beth is busy with god knows what in the hallway. She bought something to organize the hallway closet, because Lucy, Keira and Georgia aren't good at keeping it clean, but from where I'm seated it looks more like she is immediately re-organizing the whole thing.

Her phone rings. Which makes her stop in her tracks to pick up the phone.

I can't hear who she is talking to or what they are talking about. Occasionally I look up from my book and see Beth through the glass door getting more and more upset by the minute. She is pacing down the small space, tears forming in her eyes. Knowing Beth like the back of my hand she will try her best not to let those tears fall, but I know she needs to. She needs to let go of her frustrations or she will bottle it up for a very long time.

With Danielle in Tokyo, I need to be there for her no matter what she is hearing from the other side of the line. I lay down my book and make my way over to where she is still pacing back and forth. I slowly open the glass door making myself known.

Her first response is to shake her head and wave me off, but that's not going to happen. I come up to her and take her left hand in mine, stroking the back of it with my thumb. Hoping it will calm her down like it always calms me down. It seems to work, she is still talking on the phone with tears in her eyes or more so humming yes or no, but not pacing anymore.

I keep a hold of her hand until she ends the phone call. Without saying a word, she takes me in for a hug. I still have no clue what just happened but it is no good for sure. Her body shudders while she lets out some tears. I'm glad she doesn't bottle it up, at least for now...

We keep standing like this in the hallway, not saying a word. In the minutes that goes by we get into a sitting position. With our backs against the wall, her head resting in the crook of my neck, my arm around her shoulder holding her head.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I whisper carefully.

"My- my mother she has cancer." She gets out through all her sobbing.

It breaks my heart to hear this. June is like the most loving mum. I remember when Beth had just come to Arsenal, we would go to her parents quite a lot if we got the time. June always made sure there was enough food for us, we had enough sleep before the day we would travel back, she always watched after us. Even though we both were in our twenties and basically grown-ups already. She probably did it because she knew we both were trouble makers from when we played for England as kids. Especially when we are together. June always told me how I have made a rebel out of Beth, sorry not sorry.

To say this news comes as a shock, especially after I just lost both my parents some weeks ago, is an understatement. June really made sure I still got the motherly love I deserved after my parents died. If it has a huge impact on me let alone the impact it has on Beth.

"I'm so sorry Beth, do they know her treatment already?" I ask.

"N-no it's all unsure what they are going to do and what they even can do." She sobs.

"June will get through this Beth, she is strong just like you. She will fight her way through this. If anyone can beat this fucked up disease it's your mother, I bet my money on it."

It brings a small smile on her face. "I know you are right, but it still sucks." She states.

"I know Beth, I will be here for you alright? Remember what you guys told me? We are family, we get through this together."

She turns her head to look me in the eyes and gives me a kiss on my cheek. "I know you will, I really love you my friend." She says after.

Eventually Beth calmed down a bit and let the news sink in. We also updated Jordan on the news and called Daan to inform her as well. Firstly, we asked Sarina if we could drop something like this on her during a major tournament, but she was fully behind our plan to tell her. Daan would always know if something would be up with Beth, just like Lucy always knows with me. Keeping it from her wouldn't make it a better situation.

The call was very emotional on both ends. Beth didn't want to make the call all by herself, so we stayed with her. Her hand holding mine all the time and Jordan held her arm around her shoulders for comfort. In the end it was better for all of us, we talked a lot about how strong June is and how she will fight through it. We cried and we laughed and ended the phone call with a group hug.

I think this whole home-Olympic-experience ismaking our friendship between the three of us stronger and stronger. At themoment I can't imagine life without the two of them by my side. Although we allknow that moment is coming soon when we get back to London to start ourpre-season. I'm not looking forward to it at all. 

A/n I know the chapters are a bit short recently I need to fill in some chapters to get things going, next one will be longer I promise!! 

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