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Knuckles walks into work and enters the gold metal elevator. He was happy he was the only one in the elevator giving him time to mentally prepare himself for the day ahead of him. Once he exits the elevator at his floor and walks into his office he jumps when his secretary spoke. "Good morning knuckles" he turns seeing her leaning on the bookcase. "Damn it Amy why did you have to spook me like that!" He snapped holding his chest. "Sorry knux. How was your weekend?" She asked walking up. He ignores the question and goes to his desk. "Ok... well I do want to know why you weren't answering your phone." "Why does it matter Amy?" Knuckles said looking at her. "Because the CEO died Saturday night" Amy said bluntly. "What? Are you serious how?" Knuckles said looking up from his computer in shock. "They don't know so the owner is sending a new CEO to us. So after lunch he's going to meet with you." She said and leaves the office. "Great...." Knuckles huffed and started working.

Later on knuckles was so caught up in his work he didn't realize what time it was. "Knuckles?" A male voice said making Knuckles's jump. He looks up seeing a black and red hedgehog in a dark suit and red glasses leaning off his ruby red eyes. "Yes can I help you?" He said with respect. "My name is Shadow Ashnight I'm your new CEO." He said sitting down. Knuckles blushed hearing that not too deep but extremely sexy voice. "Oh um yes my secretary informed me you would be stopping by." He gets up buttoning his suit jacket and held out his hand. Shadow does the same and shakes the echidnas hand. "Well I must say you are definitely in the right place I'm glad to be working with you." He said. "Now I would like to speak with you after hours" shadow smiled. "Sure boss" knuckles nods. "Good" shadow smiled and leaves. Knuckles felt his heart racing after watching the hedgehog leaves.

"Holy shit he.... Is so handsome...."

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