I dont know you

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Shadow walks into work with his papers to step down as CEO and take his brothers place as a chairman. As he was putting the papers in his bag he runs into Knuckles. "Oh sorry about that buddy" he said and shadow walks away. "Hey are you new here?" He asked and shadow stops. "What?" He turns around as knuckles walks up. "I asked if you're new here I never seen you before" he smiled and Shadow raised a brow. "Oh wait a minute you're espios friend right? Sorry we got carried away and kinda ruined your bed." Shadow just stares at him confused. "I'm sorry you said I'm espios friend?" "Well yeah... he told me after me and him had an argument over the phone I went to the bar and got wasted and how you showed up and took me back to your place so I was somewhere safe and that you called him." Knuckles said. "Wait you have no idea who I am?" "Just that your espio's friend. Oh I'm knuckles by the way I'm the president of this company" he said holding out his hand. "I know who you are because I'm CEO and we been working together the past 6-7 months." Shadow said. "Whoa I must've been really wasted then... sorry boss.." he looks down and shadow was still thinking how cute knuckles was. "Oh umm also I left my new bottle of cologne at your place could I come by and get it Espio bought it for me and I would hate to make him mad?" He asked and Shadow thinks about it remembering seeing it next to the ring. "Sure but I'll bring it in tomorrow and let's not tell espio about it ok?" Shadow winked and walks away. Once he was out of sight he teleported into the apartment and walks straight to the bottle. He sniffs it and his eyes glowed red with his third eye coming out. "THAT SON OF A BITCH!!!!" He yelled and his third eye detects Mephlies demonic mark on the bottom. "Now it all makes since!" He storms off and teleports back to where he was and heads to the office as he burned his resignation papers in his hand.
"I wonder what shadow wanted to meet with us today for" he father asked swirling a glass of brandy. "Oh I think I know father." Mephiles grinned. The door burst open and were slammed shut. Shadow locks the door and storms right to Mephiles. "YOU MADE A DEAL WITH ESPIO TO RIP KNUCKLES AWAY FROM ME YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!" Shadow yelled and shoves Mephiles hard into the bookcase. "YOU WANTED ME TO STEP DOWN AS CEO BUT YOU KNEW I WOULDNT UNLESS MY ENTERAL PARTNER LEAVES ME!!!" Shadow growled. "You did what?!" Their father snapped. "IM THE ELDEST I SHOULD BE CEO NOT HIM!" Mephiles growled. "He gave Espio the Lunar Lossa and disguised it in Knuckles favorite cologne. "YOU WHAT?!" The father yelled more angrily and slap's Mephlies. "You imbecile!!!! Knuckles still has shadows demon venom in him! If knuckles gets mad at espio or here at work he will expose us all!!! What were you thinking!!!" His father yelled. "Shadow go and retrieve Knuckles you know what to do to cure him. I'll handle your brother and Espio." His father growls a frightening growl.

Shadow nods and leaves to find knuckles.

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