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Knuckles picks up the take out from the lobby before heading back upstairs. Shadow calls him and he goes to the CEO office the floor above him. He knocks on the door and looks around the quiet office. "Enter" shadow said and knuckles walks in. "Ah right on time knuckles have a seat" shadow smiled and takes a bite of a burger. "So you wanted to talk?" Knuckles asked sitting down. "Yes I been looking over more your work and I'm actually impressed by it more. I'm surprised you aren't the CEO" he praised. "Well thank you that means a lot sir" knuckles smiled and picks up a spoonful of fried rice. "Well if you don't mind knuckles could you work on these for me? They're due by the end of the week" shadow gets up and hands knuckles two folders. Knuckles sets down the red and white box taking the folders and looks through them. "Yea I can get these done by the end of the week." He said and set them next to his jacket. "Excellent I hope it won't keep you from family or girlfriend." Shadow leans on the desk. "Sir to be honest I don't have a girlfriend because I'm not into women..... also it's just my sister Maddison, her husband and kids and me since our father died three years ago..." knuckles admits. "Oh I'm so sorry for your lost. What about your mother?" "She died a Year before my dad" knuckles looks down at his food and continues to eat. "My apologies I d-" "It's ok i came to terms with the deaths. What about you?" Knuckles asked. "My mother died when I was 8 leaving me, my brothers and father who owns this place." Shadow said. "I practically grew up working at this company. Came here after school all the time. Even in college." "But did you want to do anything else?" Knuckles asked. "I didn't get much of a choice but hey I love my lifestyle so being CEO means I keep it then I'm happy" Shadow smirked and knuckles nods. "Well as my dad would always say. If you're happy where your working then it doesn't feel like a job or career." Knuckles smiled looking up at him nodding. "Wise words" Shadow smiled but felt one of his quills moving. He reaches for it when knuckles wasn't looking and relaxes the quill. "Stay down!" Shadow thought as the quill relaxes. They talk for another hour and knuckles gets up and leaves. Yet once he got to his car he realized that he forgotten his keys and the folder. "Damn it...." He growled and walks all the way back. Once he approached the door he knocks on it. "Hey shadow I forgot my keys and the.... Folder....." he sees a dark grey hedgehog with teal streaks in a dark grey suit. "Umm who are you...." Knuckles said. The hedgehog turns seeing the echidna and smiles. "Well~ well~ hello~" he spoke green eyes glowing. Knuckles noticed a strange tail growing with a sharp tip. Knuckles quickly grabs the keys and folder and goes to run out when the door slams by two snake like things. He watches them shrink back to the hedgehog who's quills had become tentacle like. "WHAT THE FUCK!!!" He yelled and soon found himself all tied up by the tentacles. He was pulled closer to to hedgehog as a tentacle wraps around his neck. "My you're a beauty~ to bad you have to die~" he said in a seductive voice. "Or I could just have you as a slave~"  his tongue grows longer and wraps around knuckles muzzle. The door burst open and shadow storms in. "PUT HIM DOWN MEPHILES!!!!" Shadow yelled. "Why should I? He knows what we are now~" Mephiles hissed. Shadow has a quick glance at knuckles before staring down at Mephiles. "Oh I see now~ father is going to love hearing about this~" he grins and releases knuckles who gasped for air. "Until we meet again echidna~" he purred as his quills returned to normal and leaves. Shadow runs up to knuckles as he stood. "Knuckles are you—" "WHAT WAS THAT?! HE HAD A WERID TAIL AND HIS QUILLS TURNED INTO TENTACLES!!! AND HOW COME HE KNEW YIU WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!" Knuckles yelled very shaken up. Shadow sighs and sat down.

"That was my brother..... we're Chakra Demons...."

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