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Mephlies throws a glass at Espio. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOURE BACKING OUT IF THE DEAL!!!!" Mephlies yelled. "I just—" "JUST WHAT DID YOUR HEART MELT SEEING THEM TOGETHER ALL HAPPY MAKING YOU FEEL GUILTY?!" "YES HE TRULY CARES ABOUT KNUCKLES!!!" Espio said and Mephiles laughs. "Well I guess you don't know what shadow has planned for him then." Mephiles smiled. "What do you mean?" "Oh once knuckles gives shadow a child shadow will kill him~" Mephlies lied. "WHAT?!" "Yes my brothers and I were all born from the same batch of demon eggs and once we hatched my father killed our mother feeding her blood to us~" he smiled seeing his lies are working and Espio gets angry. "That's why I haven't conceived children with my wife because I actually love her and want her to stay alive. Lucky for me she and I can't bare children and that makes me happy. Now Espio do you still wish to back out?" He said and Espio shakes his head. "No I won't let shadow kill him" espio leaves in anger. "Good~" Mephiles laughs evilly know his lies have set the spark now he must wait for the flames of betrayal.

Shadow kisses knuckles on the cheek as he slept before leaving for a meeting with his father. Espio watches shadow leave before sliding the balcony door. He sees the note and decides to attach it to the bottle just as knuckles starts to stir. "Mmm" he said waking up and turns to see the bottle. "Aww Shadz my favorite cologne" he smiled sitting up. I think I'll put this on once I get dressed for the day he said. Espio waits anxiously as knuckles takes a quick shower and puts on his clothes for the day. He picks up the bottle and sprays it on. "Werid... it smells........ different...." He starts to get dizzy and his vision starts to blur. "Sha—spio....." he muttered. "Espio...." He looks around having no idea where he's at and starts to freak out. "ESPIO?! Where am I? ESPIO!" Espio smiles hearing knuckles saying his name once more. He walks out of the room and reappears.

"Im here knuckles it's ok I'm right here love~"

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