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Knuckles sends the complete work to shadow and lays back on his bed. Every night he dreams of shadow dominating him which is something he never experienced. He was always the dominant one and never the submissive one.
Did it really feel that way and why shadow of all people? Knuckles remembers the lust in shadows eyes and wonder if this Chakra demon could enter one's dreams and control it like gin. "I'm completely loosing my fucking mind... why me?" He growls and is glad it's Friday now. "I could use a drink..." he said and gets up to get dressed. He really wanted to get laid tonight and hope the dreams would stop. Knuckles walks to the bar that was pack with everyone after along work week. He sees a chair opened at the bar and walks over taking a seat. "What can I get you handsome?" Asked a purple cat. "Just a angry orchard please and a shot of fireball" he said and she nods placing a shot glass in front of him pouring the whiskey. She then pops the cap off the bottle and slides it to him. "Thank you" he said and pays her. He drinks a bit from the bottle then pours the shot in. He covers the tip of the bottle and flips it once before drinking it. "Neat trick" he looks over seeing a white hedgehog. "Does it taste good?" "Yeah?" Knuckles said and goes back to his drink. "You ok you seem out of it long week?" He asked gold eyes staring at knuckles in away that makes him blush. "Well?~" "More then long... I found my boyfriend fucking someone I thought was my friend, saw something I shouldn't that's put me is some kind of danger and now I think I'm falling for my bod and I think my boss is into me as well but I don't fucking know" knuckles said and was shocked he told this stranger everything. "Damn you're gonna need something stronger there bud" he smirked. "Names Silver and you are?" He asked waving the bartender over. "Knuckles...." He replied. "Ok Knuckles let's get you a stronger drink" he smiled. "Thanks but I'm good with what I got" knuckles said. "Ok fair enough" silver said and takes a shot.
The white hedgehog pins the echidna to the wall outside of the bar and kisses his neck. Silver glides his hands down the strong body and grips his hips pulling his crotch area closer to his. "So sexy~" silver moans against knuckles neck. "I really can't wait to claim you my darling~" he licks knuckles neck. Knuckles eyes furrowed in confusion. "What are you—" his eyes widen seeing the white hedgehog's quills turning into tentacles. "Shadow isn't going to take you away once I make you my slave.~" four sharp fangs grow and goes to sink into knuckles skin. "GET OFF OF HIM!!!" Shadow yelled and pulls Silver off throwing him into to dumpster. "Come on!" Shadow yelled and grabs knuckles arm making him run. Shadow throws knuckles into his corvette and speeds off. "I'm guessing that's your other brother?" Knuckles said now scared he was almost taken by that demon. "Yes apparently Mephiles told my other brothers and now they're all after you.... For many reasons..." shadow said. "I'm taking you to my home where your scent can be masked." He said. "I don't have a choice do I?" Knuckles asked. "No you don't" shadow replied and he continues to drive down the road. They arrive at a large luxurious apartment complexes that homes a lot of the city's wealthiest residents. Knuckles follows shadow to the top and was amazed by all the stunning leather furniture and fancy bar. "Here you can sleep here" he said and knuckles walks into a lovely room decorated in black and grey colors. He sits on the bed feeling the soft sheets. "I'm sorry you gotten into this mess..." shadow said ears folding down. "It's my own damn fault.... Maybe if I didn't forget the folders and my keys I wouldn't have been there..." knuckles said. "Knuckles...." "I'm serious shadow my life is now a mess.... I was cheated on by my ex then this..... and now for some reason I been dreaming of you in bed with m—" knuckles covered his mouth realizing he just admitted something he shouldn't. "Say that again?"  Shadow said and knuckles blushed a deeper red. "Well?~" Shadow purred. Knuckles gulps and tells him then soon finds himself pinned in the bed by shadow. "I been dreaming of you as well~  if you will have me I would like to claim you as mine~" he kissed knuckles neck. Knuckles sighs in pleasure and wants him so badly. His heart was pounding the more shadow was licking his neck. 

"Please claim me~"

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