The Ex

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Knuckles returns to work after his week off. Shadow made sure his brothers weren't allowed to go on to his floor and knuckles must be escorted throughout the building. Amy took the job and has watched over knuckles since. Knuckles felt safer with Amy hanging around. Shadow met with his father and brothers threatening to hurt them if they tried anything with knuckles again. His father growled but agreed to shadows request and punished Silver and Scourge for their ungodly act by sending them both to prison in hell. Mephiles loathed shadow even more but didn't want to go to hell so he stayed away..... for now.

Two months passed and Knuckles had moved the last of his stuff into a storage unit and sold his old house. He is very happy with shadow despite all that has happen. Shadow treats knuckles like a king and respects him. Shadow eventually got a taste of knuckles taking control in bed and loved it. It was so good he screamed he's knuckles bitch. Shadow actually took knuckles out to a skyline restaurant and proposed to him. Knuckles said yes with excitement in his heart. So all in all it's going great for the two.


"Hey knuckles are you ready to go?" Amy asked. "No I'm staying in my office right now ames because I need to get all these files label and sent out. Shadow is actually going to stay with me and is getting us dinner right now. If you want to go on home go ahead." He smiled. "Thanks knux" she said and leaves. Knuckles looks at his desk clock checking the time knowing shadow would be here with their food soon. The office was quiet and empty with the only sound heard is knuckles keyboard be tapped on. He looks down at his hand and smiles at the dark silver ring with black diamond's around it. "I can't wait. Four more months and I'm his forever." Knuckles thought. He hears the elevator ding and smiles thinking he's going to see shadow. "Hey babe that was....quick... What the fuck are you doing here?" Knuckles crossed his arms staring at Espio. "This was the only place I could find you because I tried calling you" "I changed my number" "and went to your house and found it sold to someone else" "Yeah because I moved" knuckles wasn't in the mood to talk to espio. "Knuckles I'm sorry I really am Vector was a huge mistake and I ended things with him. Knuckles I still love you and I was hoping w—" he sees the ring in Knuckles's finger. "YOURE ENGAGED?!" He yelled. "Yep to someone who isn't a cheating whore" knuckles growled. "But— it's only been three months since we broke up how... why are you engaged to someone so quickly?!" "SERIOUSLY IT TOOK YOU TWO YEARS OUT OF A THREE YEAR RELATIONSHIP TO FINALLY THINK ABOUT MARRIAGE!!! I waited so freaking patiently because I loved you, respected you and didn't want to fucking pressure you! When you told me you were ready I was fucking happy and the day i caught you cheating was the day I came home with a fucking ring to ask you!!!" Knuckles yelled with tears falling. "Knux...." "GET OUT!" Knuckles pointed to the elevator. "And don't you ever come here again......" knuckles said with pain in his eyes. "Knuckles please I still love you I changed I really have please..." he cups his face. "Just please give me another chance" his placed his lips on knuckles. Shadow walks through the stairwell with a small surprise for knuckles and his heart sank seeing him kissing his ex. "Kn—" before he could finish knuckles pushed espio off and slaps him. "WHAT THE FUCK!!!! IM ENGAGED YOU FUCKING PRICK!!!" Knuckles yelled. "I TOLD YOU TO GET OUT NOW ILL HAVE SECURITY ESCORT YOU OUT!" Knuckles walks in his office and locks the door. "Knuckles please!" Espio begged. Shadow growls feeling his quills grow and sharpen but breathes and lets them return to normal before walking up. "Knuckles come on babe I want to fix us I really do" espio begged knocking on the door. "He said leave" shadows voice boomed making espio jump. "Who are you?" Espio asked a bit scared. "Shadow I'm the CEO of this place. Now why are you harassing my fiancé and coworker?" Shadow hissed and espios eyes widen. "Y-y-your h-his" "yes I am now I think you should leave before I make you myself." Shadow said his eyes turned black and red. "Leave" he said in a deeper tone and espio runs out of the bulid just as the officers were about to head up. "Welp that was easy" one of them said and the other nods. Shadow smiles and knocks on the door. "Knuckles the ex is gone my your love come in~" shadow purred. Knuckles unlocks the door and smile's letting shadow in.

"Knuckles is getting married to some kind of demon I need to find out more!"

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