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Espio decided to follow Knuckles and waited near his car. His blood boils seeing shadow walk out with knuckles with his arm around him. They were smiling and laughing at a joke knuckles told. "He looks so..... in love...." Espio thought and felt extremely guilty for cheating. Then he remembers shadow is some kind of demon and that knuckles was put under some kind spell. "No shadow has to have him under his spell! He is a demon after all!" He thought and followed them back to the luxury apartments. Even with his invisibility he couldn't get passed the security checkpoint. He did hear the room number when shadow asked for the mail. He climbs to the balcony on the penthouse and was amazed by it. "Whoa he's definitely loaded...." He thought. "Ahhh!~" he heard Knuckles scream and bolts to the source. He froze seeing shadows quills had become snake like and hand knuckles tangled up in them while thrusting in him. "LET HIM GO YOU MONSTER!!!!" Espio yelled and the two look over confused hearing someone yell but saw no one. "Did you hear that?" Knuckles asked and Shadow nods. Espio realized he was still invisible and appears. "ESPIO WHAT THE FUCK!!!" Knuckles yelled as they cover up and shadows quills returned to normal. "WHAT THE FUCK?! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS MONSTER IS RAPING YOU?! AND IM GONNA KILL HIM!!!!" Espio yelled. "NO YOU WONT BECAUSE HES NOT RAPING ME EVER HEARD OF CONSENSUAL SEX?!" Knuckles yelled back completely furious. "Knuckles he's a fucking demon!" "Correction a Chakra demon and I fucking know clearly now leave our place!" "Knuckles can't you see he's spelled you! Your not thinking straight!" Espio tried to convince. "I'm sorry chakra demons can't spell anyone we use pheromones but only during the process of sex to help stimulate and relax the body." Shadow growled. "I can back that up since I did my research. Now leave!" Knuckles snapped. "B-but Kn-knuckles" "but nothing fuck call security Shadz" knuckles said. Shadow nods and reaches for the button. "OK ILL LEAVE! Just so you know knux this is a mistake and I hope you come to your senses. My door is open anytime" espio said and leaves the penthouse. "Now that he's gone~" shadow said smiling as his quills grow once more. "No.... Espio killed the mood for me...." Knuckles said getting up and puts on his boxers and tank before crawling back into bed and turns off his lamp. "I understand knux" Shadow said looking down and pets his sad quills before they shrink back. Shad puts on his boxers and turns off the lamp. He wraps his arm around knuckles and kisses his shoulder. "I love you knux goodnight" "I love you too night...." Knuckles said. Shadow falls asleep while knuckles stays up thinking. "He came to my aid.... He thought I was in danger and came to help me..... he's never done that before.... Maybe he has changed..... wait what am I thinking?!" He thought and looks at his ring. "He cheated on me and cheaters stay cheaters I won't lose Shadow to go back to have my heart torn again." He thought but some doubt is still lingering in his heart.

"I'm very happy.... Right?"

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