Sudden gulit

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Espio heads to the luxury apartment building with the gift and couldn't wait to get knuckles back. He turns invisible and climbs up to the balcony but hangs there when he sees knuckles and shadow on it talking. "So I was thinking about names" Knuckles said. "Names for what?" "Oh have you now? Well let's here them baby" "I was thinking if we have a boy could we name him after my father? His name was Locke..." knuckles said. "THEYRE WANTING TO HAVE KIDS?!" "I actually think that be a perfect name Knuckles I would love that. Now what about a girl?" Shadow asked. "I didn't think about one yet...." "Well I actually thought of one.... Alayna.... Named after your mother ally and my mother Aunna." Shadow said and espio saw the genuine love and appreciation in Knuckles's eyes. "Shadow.... That would be amazing and it sounds so beautiful.... I love you so much and I just can't wait." Knuckles said and kisses shadow. "I love you too and I want the best for you and our future children which is why I thought we could look at housing in the suburbs kinda like how you grew up. Simple and happy we don't need to live in the lap of luxury." "Shadow I would absolutely love that I want that for our kids to live in a home with loving family and humble lives. You really understand me and one of the reasons I fell in love with you." Knuckles smiled as shadow does the same. "Come on let's start looking at homes" "I'll make some tea and popcorn you get the computer ready." "Ok knux" they walk in feing extremely happy and Espio felt the sudden guilt. "Damn it... I can't do it.... I had my chance and I blew it..... knuckles is far more happier and Shadow genuinely loves him.... Even if he's a demon.... I need to think on this more....." Espio thought and climbs back down thinking.

"One thing is for sure.... Mephiles isn't going to like this...."

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