Chapter Fourteen

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"Good morning beautiful," Nick whispers quietly in my ear as I wake up to him hugging me tightly, making me feel hot and uncomfortable, unlike last night.
"Hey," I say back, wanting to get home so I could have some time to think to myself.
"Hey Nick, I have to leave early because I have to go meet my mom" I say, despite it being a complete lie because I can't think of anything else to say.
"Oh okay? Stay for a little more, please Chloe," I reply by telling him that I can't because my mother expects me early. I get out of bed and look over at Nick, him looking so upset, making me feel like such a bitch. I leave the house despite the awful feeling in my stomach that I have done something bad. I arrive home and get a call from Lucas.
"Hey Chloe, come round my house I wanna talk to you babe." he doesn't seem mad like he's found out or anything, so I just play it cool. I arrive at his house and he opens the door, hugging me. he invites me in and we sit on the couch.
"I saw you with Maddie yesterday." I say suddenly, wanting to get it off my chest.
"Chloe, let me explain." Lucas begins. "I had heard that Maddie was being a complete bitch and was being awful towards you, making up rumours and shit, so I made her come and I told her that if she ever is bitch to you she'll have me to answer to."
"Oh, no" I say, regretting everything I did with Nick in spite of Lucas, do I tell him? I think I'll have to.
"Lucas, after I saw you with Maddie I got so upset that I went back to Nicks house and-" I try to continue but Lucas interrupts.
"You fucking what?" Oh dear, I think he's mad.
"You had sex with him didn't you." Lucas says sounding so angry and disappointed, making me feel ten times worse. I nod and he takes ten strides to the door and he's out, leaving me sitting on the sofa staring at the door.
Lucas' POV
I catch Nick walking about town and I go right up to him.
"What the fuck do you think you are doing with my girl you absolute prick," I shout at Nick, causing a few people to stare.
"You're just angry cause I took her virginity and it wasn't you, sorry Lucas but I she likes me." What a knob, how dare he even think that he took her virginity when it was me who was there for her in all her worst days.
"Haha okay. Believe what you wish," I say without another word, walking away and leaving Nick standing there clueless. I get in my car and take a drive, I am in a daydream and for some reason I feel completely lifeless, as if someone had stabbed me with a million knives, one by one. I've never felt like this before.
Chloe's POV
I look in the mirror to see my mascara running down my face and my eyeliner smudged. All I can think to myself is that I deserve this, I deserve to be upset and heartbroken like this because I led someone on when really I was just using them. I need to go and apologise to Lucas and Nick and hope for forgiveness.

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