Chapter Eleven

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I wake up, flicking the stray hairs from my eyes. I stroke Payley, who is looking adorable sleeping next to me, making me feel like I have a new family member. There are four days until my broadway audition, which is going to be complete stress and worry. I take time to brush my hair and apply a slight amount of tinted moisturiser and brown mascara. I don't know what I'm going to do today, but I know I need to stretch for a few hours, in preparation for my audition. I get a call from Paige as I'm watching a movie on TV. She asks if I want to meet somewhere, at a coffee shop just down the road, which of course I say yes because I generally do miss my childhood sister, the one who knows me more than anyone else in the world. I put on my white converse from the shelf, replacing my fluffy cosy boot slippers. I instantly see Paige's gorgeous blonde hair and run up to hug her tight as we order our coffee and sit down at a table by the window. Paige isn't dancing anymore, she stopped about two years ago, but she says she misses it a lot. After having a wonderful day with Paige, shopping and chatting, I leave the mall to get back home, hoping to have an early night. I see Payley lying comfortable and asleep on my bed, which makes me smile. I change into my pjs and sit to watch a movie before I sleep. I wake up the next morning and am reminded of Broadway. After three days of practising dancing extremely hard, I feel prepared and ready for my audition tomorrow. I haven't seen anyone, I've only talked to mom on the phone.
Lucas's POV
"Breathe, it's okay don't worry, you'll be amazing." I try to calm Chloe down before she goes into her audition. Chloe called me as she was waiting to go in to audition, she obviously feels very stressed and nervous. I tell her it's okay, to not worry because she has no pressure. I wait around all day for Chloe to call me back after she'd finished, watching my phone waiting. Without realising, I fall asleep on the sofa, before waking up two hours later at 7pm, with one missed call from Chloe. I call her back feeling bad not answering her on her big audition day.
"Hey" Chloe says sounding irritated.
"Hey chlo, how did it go honey?"
"I don't think I did well, I watched the other girls and they were, wow." Chloe tells me sounding miserable. I tell her that she is just being self critical and that she needs to think about how good she did and not about the others. Chloe seems to go with it but she doesn't seem too convinced. I hope she gets the callback, just purely because she has worked so hard for this all her life. Chloe doesn't seem too happy with me, she just seems extremely moody and angry, it seems to be with me.
"Do you want me to come round?" I ask her, feeling slightly stubborn but trying to block it away.
"Okay" Chloe says, so I drive myself to hers. She opens the door and smiles broadly, laughing to herself as I stand there clueless.
"I want to show you something" she says as she points to a little fury creature perched on Chloe's living room sofa. I laugh to myself as I ask her where on earth she got a kitten for, she smiles and says that she found him just outside her house. I give her a hug and say well done on her audition, after asking her what she called her kitten. I stay at Chloe's for a while, then we both go out to a restaurant to have dinner. 
Chloe's POV
Once getting in from dinner out with Lucas, I take a steaming shower and wear a heated face mask as I climb in to bed to relax. After fifteen minutes I wash off my face mask and flop onto my bed. I fall asleep within minutes, Payley creeping in as he jumps clumsily onto my bed.

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