Chapter Eight

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Chloe's POV

I wake up the next morning and attempt to get up to make tea and to chew some gum. I step out of bed and feel pain all over my body, making me want to get back into bed and cry my eyes out until it goes away. I climb back into bed and feel my eyes start to water, the pain is so unreal that I just let myself cry. I curl up in a ball and stay there for a while until Lucas looks at me with his tired sleepy eyes, I bet I look really stupid.

"Hey, what's up?" Lucas asks me looking worried.

"If I tell you you'd call me stupid." I reply, feeling really insecure and like I am an annoying girl who doesn't know what she's doing or thinking.

"Oh Chlo, does it hurt?" He replies, is it that obvious? I nod slowly and cry even more, I don't know why but I feel so embarrassed, I am starting to regret last night. He struggles but finally gets out of bed to walk downstairs, what is he doing? I hear him coming back up the stairs after about ten minutes and bless his heart, he's gone and got me a hot water bottle covered by my white fluffy cover for it, I am so grateful.

"Thanks Lucas," I say smiling, despite the horrible pain in my stomach. He gets back into bed and cuddles closer to me, whispering lightly in my ear "I'm sorry Chlo" even though it wasn't his fault.

"It's not your fault Lucas." I reply, feeling ridiculous lying there with a hot water bottle acting like I feel sorry for myself. I decide to get out of bed and go downstairs to make a pot of tea. Whilst boiling the kettle and putting away the hot water bottle, I hear Lucas coming down the stairs heavily because he's tired and lazy. I laugh at him as he hugs me from behind and yawns at the same time.

"Wanna come to a house party tonight?" Lucas asks me at a weird time, he obviously saw the confusion and frown in my face so he adds "well Josh will be there, Paige and all your old team, I thought it would be fun because you don't really see them anymore." I do really miss everyone, I left the ALDC and danced with another studio. It was great because I was in a music video a couple weeks ago, although I don't dance as much as I used to.

As Lucas' car pulls up in the houses driveway, I get a little nervous. The house is more of a mansion, all made of white brick and about the size of a palace, no kidding. Inside the mansion, the walls and floors are all solid white marble and the furniture so white that I would be worried to even perch on it. I instantly see the old ALDC crowd standing together in their amazing outfits drinking from red cups.

"OMG hey Chloe!" They all scream and run up to hug me, I feel like I'm about to cry I missed them so much. I see Maddie out of the corner of my eye and make the decision to go and stand with her.

"Hey Maddie, how are you?" I ask her politely, smiling broadly whilst hugging her.

"Oh fine thanks Chloe! I'm appearing on Broadway next saturday!" She says with a sarcastic, dull tone in her voice.

"Oh Maddie thats great! I'm auditioning for one, I probably wont get the part but I'll sure try, haha. Well good luck!" I reply happily, trying to be as friendly as I can to her jealous remarks. I look around to try to find Lucas, but I don't see him which makes me nervous. I don't know who's house this is and I certainly don't know my way around. I walk up the windy marble staircase, I think this is a ten bedroom house, or maybe even more; the corridors never ending almost like a hotel. I finally spot Lucas standing with Josh and Zach in the corridor outside one of the bedroom doors. There is a tall leafy plant placed randomly next to them, looking very out of place.

"Hey Lucas, it's your 'girlfriend' ha." Josh imitates stupidly looking like a idiotic jerk.

"Shut the fuck up you dick" Lucas laughs looking at Josh using his 'bitch face' as he likes to call it. He walks over to me and takes me downstairs, looking awkward.

"What were you all doing up there?" I ask questioning him, wondering why they were all looking so suspicious standing outside the bedroom door.

Lucas' POV

I bite my lip. "Chloe you can't say anything, but a couple of the guys from school were smoking pot in there." I tell her honestly.

"And you were covering them up. Nice one. Which guys?" Chloe replies sarcastically, I knew her reaction would be sour.

"Jason, Ryan and Cooper, don't say anything." I threaten her, but I'm sure she won't.

"Yeah I won't say anything. So who's house even is this?" Chloe asks looking around.

"Its Jason's."

"Oh what that immature one who likes every girl he sees?" I nod laughing at her, because it's true. We leave the house at about 2am, Chloe falling asleep as I drive her home. I say goodbye as she steps out the car and takes out her keys, waving goodbye and looking very tired.

Chloe's POV

I watch out the window as Lucas drives away, making me feel scared and alone in my quiet, dark and unmoving apartment. I put on my pyjamas and eventually climb into bed before switching off my light. The pounding loud music of the party has made my ears ring. I don't here a single noise other than the faint sound of laughter from late night party-goers on the street. I stretch myself out on my bed as I find Lucas' t-shirt under my pillow. I switch my light back on and change into it, I smell Lucas' amazing scent which makes me fall asleep thinking about last night.

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