Chapter Thirteen

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Opening the door, Nick shows me around his apartment, as he only moved in two months ago. "Wow Nick I love your apartment!" I say as I look around. He invites me to sit down whilst he offers me a drink. Bringing it over, he sits down beside me and stares right at me, making me shiver. After a rather awkward minute of silence, Nick suddenly speaks.
"You know, Lucas was dumb to go on a date with Maddie like that, how could he do that to you?"
"I wish I could answer that, but how do you know?" I reply, questioning Nick, wondering how he could possibly know.
"Oh Chloe, I've known you for most of your life, I can tell when something's up."
Nick is so lovely, so sweet and caring of others. I doubt Lucas would ever even notice something like that, but Nick is intelligent and a good judge of character which makes him an amazing friend. Nick and I spend the majority of the evening watching Netflix on the sofa, and I've never laughed so much in my life. As our third film comes to an end, I feel my eyes get sleepy and I become tired.
"Chlo," I hear Nick say as I start to doze off.
"Come over here" he says faintly from the distance. I get up as I get to the couch, Nick lies across it so I have no choice but to lie right in front of him, which I must admit is extremely comforting and warm. I feel my eyes begin to close as I hear Nick switch off the TV, wrapping his arm around my waist and holding my hands.
"It'll all be okay" I feel his breath against my ear as he whispers quietly words that comfort and reassure me.
"Lucas is a total idiot if he ever chooses anyone over you." Nick hugs me tighter and puts his leg over mine. Although it is slightly weird, I feel so content and safe in Nicks arms.
I wake up suddenly and check my phone and it's 2am.
"Nick?" I whisper quietly.
"Yeah Chlo?" He whispers back, sounding as if he'd just woken up too.
"Maybe we should go up to bed, here is uncomfortable," Nick says, so I follow him up to his room and jump into his bed so fast because my legs just won't carry me any further. Nick gets in next to me and cuddles up to me as if we hadn't seen each other two minutes ago. Suddenly I feel so awake and alive that I feel like I could jump about and run, which is strange because I was so tired a minute ago. Nick lies on his back, facing the ceiling, so I take the opportunity to climb onto him and lie on his chest, his legs slightly apart and twining through mine like grape vines. I feel his hard-on through his baggy material shorts and it makes my heart beat. I can also feel his heart thumping in his chest against my head, almost giving me a headache but it's a nice feeling rather than an ache as such.
"I love you" Nick says suddenly, taking me out of the blue and causing me to take off Nicks shirt faster than lightning.
"I want you" I reply, as Nick stops me, taking me completely out of the blue.
"Chloe, are you sure you're ready?" Nick asks, he obviously doesn't know I've already done this with Lucas.
"Yes Nick"
He suddenly takes off my top and my underwear, while I pull off his. I don't quite know if I want to do this with Nick because we have such a strong friendship that it would be weird after this, but at this precise moment I am so focused on his hard-on and pleading look in his deep brown glowing eyes that I cannot resist.
Putting on the condom, Nick looks into my eyes as he lies on top of me. After we have finished, Nick lies on the bed, his face looking up at the ceiling with a broad smile on his face, as if he'd just one the lottery. We pull the covers over us both as we begin to recover slowly.
"Chloe, I love you." Those three words ring in my ears after he has said them, like a constant alarm telling me I should not be leading Nick on if I am unsure. I just cuddle up to him to trying to cover up for the fact that I didn't say it back. Nick doesn't seem to mind, he just hugs me tightly and strokes my hair which does make me feel happy but how can I when I still love Lucas? I know I shouldn't lead Nick on but maybe if I date Nick then Lucas will get jealous? I know it would be horrible on Nick but would it work?

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