Chapter Twelve

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Chloes POV
Waking up, I wipe my sleepy eyes. I turn my phone on and I see two messages from Paige, a snapchat from Lucas and an email. I reply to Paige and Lucas first, then check my already very full inbox. I jump out of my skin when I see a message titled: 'Broadway auditions'. I am quick to open the message before dropping my phone and leaping onto my cushioned bed, face first. I have got a callback. Something that hardly anyone gets, ever. I jump about for a while, before getting in my car to drive to my moms house, to deliver the news rather than send a text or call. My car won't start. I guess I've already had my luck today. Sitting in my car I call my mother, shaking and shivering in excitement. Once I tell her the news, she runs to tell my dad and little Clara. They both scream in the background, making me smile broadly. I climb out of my car to go back inside my apartment. I may not make it any further than this, but the callback itself is an achievement on my very first audition. I call Lucas and tell him about my car, not bothering to say anything about the callback until he gets here, to give him the news in person. Lucas gets here as soon as he can, looking at my old car furrowing his brows.
"Well it is kinda old" Lucas looks miserable as he squints at the old, rusty model. I invite him in and sit him down on my couch, a smug look on my face as I sit down next to him.
"Guess what" I giggle quietly as he looks at me with disgust, clearly in a bad mood for some unknown reason.
"I got the callback" I say to Lucas grinning from ear to ear, still feeling rather exited after two hours. I feel shocked and disappointed, as Lucas doesn't look like he has any expression on his face at all, nor any happiness for me.
"Well done, Chlo. I'm going to have to go now cause I've got to get home, see you later yeah" he false smiles at me and makes his own way out my apartment. What is his problem? Why is he acting so mad? I take a breath as I begin to feel unrestrained, the excitement and nervousness unreal as I begin to dance around my apartment singing old broadway songs. I feel deluded and ridiculous prancing around, not feeling like I care about anything or anyone.
Callbacks are in three days time and I feel insanely timorous and shy to dance in front of a whole bunch of producers, directors and other people with roles of importance. I decide to go out a buy a new car, leaving home to walk into the town near my house, about a 20 minute walk away. Once I arrive, I find a car garage with many different models present, one very shiny, silver car catching my eye. It seems to be the perfect car for me, listening to the cheerful garage owners reviews on it I feel it would be a great car to own. I pay with my card at the till and the man gives me the keys to drive it away, making me feel unswervable and rather proud of my findings. I decide to purchase a cute pink car freshener, to add an adorable touch to my brand new baby. I park my car and decide to shop around for a while.
"Oh my I'm so sorry are you okay," a sweet and loving voice asks me as I fall to the ground dropping my purse.
"Yes I'm fine," I reply as the boy helps me up after bumping into me. I recognise him from somewhere, his older frame querying me as I look at him scanning my memory. Nick Dobbs.
"Oh my gosh hey Chloe!" Nick beams as he hugs me tightly.
"Seriously though are you okay?" He still seems sorry but rather happy to see me.
"Yes I'm fine, how are you!?" I reply, remembering him instantly as he says my name. We end up talking for hours sitting on the chairs in between the stores, as I remember all the amazing times I had with Nick and the other girls, the group dances and times on the bus.
"Also, I got a callback on broadway, I saw the email this morning." Despite me not seeing Nick for an awfully long time, he seems 10 times happier and exited for me than Lucas did.
"Oh my gosh Chloe I'm so happy for you!" He hugs me so tight and lifts me up as I laugh. I sit with Nick for ages as it starts to get late. I glance into a restaurant as I walk back to the car park with Nick, to see Maddie and Lucas at a table ordering food. What the hell? I carry on walking but cannot bare to ignore this. How could Lucas even go out with Maddie, whom he knows I haven't spoken to for a while? Arriving back at the car, Nick coughs "hey Chlo, come back to my place? I've gotta go dance tomorrow, you can come if you like" due to my frustration and anger, my fists are tensed and my head is boiling so I reply stubbornly, "sure, that would be great" I smile broadly, before getting in my brand new car and following Nick back to his place, which is about twenty minutes away.

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