Chapter 25: A time machine

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we tried, tony didn't want to go on a mission, EVER AGAIN. "tony, please! we need you to go on this mission! we need to get everyone back!" I pleaded, "no, no, I don't want to let another 50 percent of the world gone, AGAIN!" he replied angrily.

 natasha, steve and scott, just sat there silent, "did you know that charlotte thought the world of you?" I shouted at him, "now you'll just stay here, and we'll get her and everyone back" I then stalked away and back to the car we used to get to tony's house.

 "loki, we'll get her back, without tony" natasha assured me, I sighed and buried my head in my hands, "tony is this the only one who can make tech, he can make a time machine" I sighed. when we got home, I went outside to a gravestone I made for charlotte, I brought some flowers to lay down on her grave. "alas, my dear! we might never meet again" I said to the stone. I then sighed, looking down in sadness.

"hey, lokes?" natasha came out from the house, I didn't look behind me, for I was looking down at charlotte's grave, "yes, natasha?" I replied, "we need you, to help us, with a time machine bruce is currently making" I looked up and ran into the house. "we must begin TODAY" I began to say, but they were already making the machine, I immediately began working, giving them some screws, wenches and fixed a few things.


"testing!" banner called out, "we're gonna send him into different timelines, ok, scott?" I leaned against a pillar, watching them.

 "UH, ok" scott said, but the second he said "ok" , we sent him into the time machine, "coming back in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1" scott came back....AS A CHILD!? "SCOTT!? WHERE'S SCOTT?" steve called out in panic, "I'm scott!" then banner sent him back, another 5 seconds later, a baby scott came back.

 "oh, gods"  I muttered, sending him back and another 5 seconds later, an old man came back, I facepalmed, and then finally the normal scott came back.

 "I peed my pants, I don't know if it's old me or little me. I think it was me me" scott said, "time travel!" banner grinned with triumph, I muttered "this won't work" and followed steve outside. "we might never get anyone back at this rate" steve told me, "yes, the world might not work properly, now that half the world's still been blipped" I replied.

 we then heard a car noise, I looked up and saw tony's car pulling up to us.

 " what?" he asked us, "what's with the long faces?" he looked at steve and got out of the car, "I've got your shield, I needed to get it before morgan made it into a snowboard" he went to the trunk of the car and took out captain america's shield.

 "wow" I said, touching the smooth edges of the shield, "I've found a way to go back in time, PROPERLY" tony said strictly. "what are we waiting for?" I asked him, "let's do this!" 


I wiped the sweat off my forehead and decided to take a break. "I'll just take a quick break, ok?" I told nebula, "uhh...ok" she replied, I then went to my room to take a quick nap, then I had a little dream of me and charlotte back together:

I walked up to charlotte and sat beside her, "hello, loki" she spoke up, I looked at her in happiness, "you need to wake up, dear" she added. "what? no, no, no. I don't want to wake up" I replied, holding her hand, but her hand disappeared and then I started falling into an abyss. "CHARLOTTE? CHARLOTTE!" I cried out, I heard her voice calling me, but I couldn't find her.

I woke up in a sweat and sat up, "oh, GODS" I thought, then someone knocked on the door.

 "loki? open the door, we're testing the machine and you said that you're taking a 'little' nap!" it was natasha, "ok, I'm coming!" I threw on my clothes and ran outside the room. I found them in the garage, and clint barton was there, too.

 "hello, barton" I greeted him, taking a time traveling suit and putting it on, "wait, are you telling me that you are coming with barton?" natasha asked me.

 "of course! maybe send me back where charlotte is?" I replied. "if that's what you want" she muttered, and flipped a switch, "just bring something back, ok?" she added, I nodded my head and then me and barton were sucked into a portal. 


I got up with a groan and looked around, this place looked familiar.

 with a little looking around, I realized this place was the park where me and charlotte went on our first date, I then found charlotte's necklace, I picked it up and saw charlotte wandering around. I then heard beeping.

 "wait, no. CHARLOTTE!" 


I called out in vain, but it was too late, I got taken back into my time, "LOKI! did it work?" natasha asked me, I looked up and sawa clint holding a glove in his hand. "it-it worked, it worked" I panted and held up charlotte's necklace with my initials "LL", for loki laufeyson. "we can get back the stones now" tony said, taking the necklace and looking at it, I took back the necklace and went back to my room and lay down in exhaustion. 

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