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Seungmins POV

I sat with felix and minho on a six person table in tutor. We were always first there so had first pick.

" we have some new students" felix spoke excitedly " I hope one of them is hot"

" aren't you already whipped for that one guy in your art class?" Minho asked his eyebrows furrowed

" yes. But I need a distraction idiot. Hes the most introverted person ever, always has headphones in and flips of anyone who trys to engage in conversation with him. Hes a good artist though " felix sighed out

More students began to pile into the class.

The bullies walked in making us look back down at what we were doing already,  I was finishing off a sketch for art which was meant to be homework for the break but I was sick the whole time so couldnt do it.

Suddenly the three occupied the seats opposite us.

We all looked up, minho and jisung were opposite eacother changbin and felix wer-- wait...oh no.

I looked up to see yang jeongin, again, then looked back down at my sketch pad continuing my drawing .

Suddenly the book got snatched away .

I looked up annoyed , squeezing my pencil firmly in my hand so it was near snapping point .

" what have you been drawing "

Jeongin flipped through the pages then gasped " how rude"

He showed his friends and they fake gasped to

" what is it?" Minho asked curiously

He presented it to the twins and myself,  oh yeah.

I had in detail drew out each of the bullies. Then drew clown makeup over them in red crayon and arrows where pointing at them calling them not so pleasant names.

Both of the twins slapped me in the back of the head

" dude! Are you trying to get is beat up on gbe first day " felix scolded

I rolled my eyes " chill. Thats from like last year "

I tried to snatch the book back only for jeongin pull his arm upwards making me stand up and lean across the table to get it.

" are you gay cupcake.  I saw some pride flags in there." He questioned further

" you would only bully me more if I told you. Now give it back you annoying little shit " I snatched for it once more

This time jeongin caught my arm and pulled me back down to the table so our faces were inches apart .

" are you implying I'm I'm homophobic?" He asked, an angry look on his face

" Well I assumed you were considering you are already the worst human on the planet "

The twins went to slap my head again but jeongin snapped his fingers making them retract back to their seats

" just because I bully you doesn't make me homophobic asshole. Jisungs pan. Dont just assume that about someone " he spat out " got it"

I felt my heart sink to my stomach.  It was pretty wrong to do that " I'm sorry " I sighed. My first ever sincere sorry to this man I had ever made.

" good. Now answer the question"

" yes . I'm gay. Can I please have the book now" I asked holding my hand out with a sigh.

He placed it in my hand allowing me to sit back down and continue what I was doing until the teacher walked in and I had to put it away .

" hello class" she spoke " my name is mrs.lee...."

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