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Seungmins POV

" so this song, gone away, it's about the love of your life not loving you back?" I asked jisung,  I felt jeongins eyes burning into the side of my head

" yeah, and as you can see, here you have a high note. I'm sure you're capable but we are gonna need to practice alot" jisung explained " you guys' place would probably be the best bet seeing as you live together "

The two of us nodded " and you went to your studio to make the track right" jeongin asked , the older nodded once more.

" yeah , well I went to changbins because my dad is working on the studio currently but yeah." Jisung said " after school we should go back to your place and practice a little more , maybe at lunch time as well. But for now we have to practice in here . Have you got all of the lyrics in your heads?"

" yeah, the other people singing is going to be so distracting though" jeongin chuckled slightly

" just ignore them honey " I said

Jisung opened the track on his computer " ready?" He asked, we nodded . He smiled and began to play the song

" I know we did not just nail that first try " jisung smiled widley " we are amazing! And seungmin that high note *chefskiss* too die for darling "

" god you sound so british" laughed jeongin

" and you know what? British accents are sexy. I have no shame American boy" jisung retorted

" the song?" Jeongin said

" no!" Jisung face palmed "you're a pain in my ass"

" of course, only for you baby boy" jeongin said , they were so weird

" hey! Go make out with your boyfriend not flirt with me" jisung pushed jeongin away

Jeongin looked at me and raised his eyebrows , I aggressively shook my head.

He nodded the turned back to jisung " you sure you wanna see that ji?"

" anything's better than you calling me 'baby boy'" jisung snarled

" ok then~" he turned back around to me and began to kiss me softly making my face go fiery red

" EW EW NO" jisung protested

Jeongin laughed and pulled back .

" fine we'll stop only for you snowflake " he flicked the olders head

" shut up I got a boyfriend before you" jisung slapped at his hands .

" really?" I asked " who's your boyfriend?"

" I ugh...." he froze " uhm..... promise you wont be mad, we started dating before this fool decided fo bully you" I nodded "me and minho are dating... but dont tell anyone. I'm not ready for everyone to know yet"

" I knew something was going on between you two " I declared " but we need to keep practicing cmon let's do this "


It was a few hours after school ended and I was laying in my bed,  feeling tired as ever.

" baby" jeongin called , as if he knew immediately something was up " you feeling ok?" He sat on the edge of my bed " you dont have another fever do you?"

" no, I'm just tired honey " I took his hand that he had placed on my forehead and kissed the back of it " I haven't caught a break today. "

" oh, I'm sorry to hear that baby." He went silent for a moment " sit up"

I furrowed my eyebrows and sat up, soon after he sat cross legged in front of me and pulled me into his lap so my legs were wrapped around his waist and he was looking up at me slightly with a smile.

" what are you up to?" I asked

He made sure I was secure before cupping my cheeks and covering all of my face and neck with cute soft kisses, nuzzling his nose into any places that made me giggle.

" honey!" I squealed as he nuzzled his nose into my neck

" what? Ticklish?" He teased playfully, blowing a raspberry into the spot causing me to laugh harder he hummed at his achievement and continued kissing me all over " are you all cheered up now?"

I continued giggling at the lingering sensation but still nodded " yes"

He smiled widley and kissed my lips gently " look at baby"

I blushed slightly " how did you ever bully me... you're so sweet "

He shook his head, his smile leaving his face " I dont want to talk about it."

" hey, turn that frown upside down before I give you the same treatment you gave me" I threatened, fluttering my fingers near his neck making him scream

" no! Please my neck is too ticklish " he buried his face into my chest

" im keeping that information for a future occasion " I smiled

He let out a babyish whine and shook his head whilst still keeping his face in my chest

I laughed gently at his actions and began to play with his hair , soon he calmed down a bit and was soothed by the feeling.

He wrapped his arms around my waist keeping me securely in his lap whilst he kept his head in my chest. I was pretty sure he was falling asleep actually which was just adorable .

" baby" he yawned , I hummed in response " thank you for giving me a chance. I've never been this happy in my life"

" yeah?" I asked

" mhm" he nodded " you're the best.... I'm sorry I ever hurt you "

I smiled softly and lent downwards,  kissing the top of his head gently . 

" I know honey" I kissed him once more " I know "

I could cuddle him like this forever

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