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Seungmins pov

I sat in the bath, jeongin holding me by my hips as I sat facing him on his thighs. He kissed me lovingly before allowing me to bury my face into his shoulder

" you're my favourite person in the world " he pecked my shoulder, barley ghosting his lips over the skin making me shiver

" oh yeah? What's your favourite part of me?" I hummed

" your everything " he shifted so he could hold my chin and make eye contact with me " your eyes" he pecked my eyelids " you're cute little nose" he pecked the tip of my nose " your lips" he kissed them too " your hands" he held them up and kissed them " your chest " he continued kissing various parts of my body " but most of all, your brain , your personality. Its so adorable and the most lovable part of you"

I smiled widley and kissed him " I love you baby"

" I love you too" he smiled back "are you feeling okay, I didn't do anything wrong did I?"

" no, that was.....amazing " I blushed " I loved the whole thing we were doing at first, yknow the being tied up and stuff but like.....I love the soft stuff more "

" I'll keep that in mind" he hummed

" if you like the first thing more we can totally do it , you dont have to be soft all the time if you dont want to...but part of me is scared of doing it the other way" I admitted " but I can try....sorry , I'm pathetic no one else is scared of hard sex "

" no , no you arent pathetic my love " he wrapped his arms around me securely " if you are scared we can continue to do it nice and soft until you're ready, and if you're never ready I'm not going to force you. Okay? And if you are ever ready or want to try it out cool, but dont be afraid to back out if you were wrong about being ready . You can tell me, I wont ever be mad"

" thank you" I nodded " I feel like I'm gonna cry, and I don't know why. "

" oh" he pecked my shoulders "is it because you're scared of that kind of thing?" I shook my head

" no....I-I think I'm just.....I dont want to disappoint you because you're clearly into it" I sighed

" baby, I swear it's okay. I'm into soft sex aswell, it doesn't have to be all begging and stuff. Plus, its cute being able to watch you looking so happy just be close to me " he kissed my lips " you're not disappointing me, I dont think you ever could disappoint me. Dont worry "

" I love you so much " I smiled gently " I love you I love you I love you I love you!" I attacked his face with kisses all over

" i love you too honey" he pulled me closer so my face was burried in the crook of his neck while we cuddled once more " we need to get out soon or we will end up looking like raisins " he chuckled

" I know" I sighed " just a little longer though? Please?" I poked my head out slightly just to look at him

" hmm, okay then. Anything for you my angel" he kissed my lips before I put my head back

He hummed a soft tune while he gently dragged his fingernails all over my back only making me sleepy, but I didnt mind. Not at all. I love being this close to him, I love the feeling of being in his arms, I love the sound of his humming, I love everything. But most of all I love him and I want nothing more than to be this close with him at all times

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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