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*two days later*

Seungmins POV

I sat in my third period lesson with felix and minho , it was religious education which was a subject every student had to take. 

" so hows the whole dating yang going?" Asked minho

" better than expected, hes so sweet" I smiled gently " his favourite place to kiss me is my shoulders,  his favourite cuddling position is being big spoon so I get to be little spoon all the time , he hugs me from behind all the time, hes so warm .... it's nice having someone there for you aswell, like when I had a fever he was by my side all day"

" awww" felix cooed " if I was someone with a brain I would say you're starting to like him back~"

" I dont know...its good so far but you never know when something, will go south" I sighed

I suddenly felt a pair of hands massaging my shoulders .

I leant my hea backwards to see jeongin staring down at me with a smile and loving eyes.

" hey baby" he said sweetly, he leant downwards and kissed my lips. I happily kissed back "how are you doing with the work?"

" not great" I sighed " i don't know anything about the buddha. How amn I meant to write a whole two page essay about it"

" do you want some help?" He asked , I nodded and he pulled up a chair then sat beside me , explaining everything in great detail.

Felix's POV

Me and minho stared shocked , how did they go from worst enemies to this?

Jeongin explained the buddha to seungmin whilst the older wrote everything down .

" you got it?" Asked the taller after a whole five minutes

" yes " seungmin cupped his cheeks " thank you " he kissed his nose " do you wanna go back to your friends now?"

" I'd rather kill myself, girls are surrounding the table asking changbin and jisung for their numbers " jeongin groaned , he looked at minho and mimed something that made him sigh in relief. I furrowed my brows in confusion

" we have music next" said seungmin"has jisung written the song yet?"

" yes, hes just wondering can you do high notes?" Asked the younger

" better than anyone, I rap I'm a vocalist I'm a dancer. I do all that stuff, I just picked music and art to be my main subjects I do every day" seungmin explained, jeongin nodded then kissing seungmin again

" when will this end" minho groaned " I'm gonna go, those girls are harassing your friends to much bye." He scurried off

" I'm gonna help "

Seungmins pov

The two ran away making us laugh,  jeongin took my hands from his face,  placing a kiss on both of them before putting them in my lap .

We stayed silent while he examined my face.

" how much sleep did you get last night?" He asked, brushing his thumbs along the dark circles under my eyes.

" more than usual, I'm just stressed " I admitted

" about?"

" how do people not know we are dating yet?" I asked " we make it obvious but everyone just assumes we are like straight friends that act gay"

" they'll catch on eventually, hopefully before you break up with me at the end of the month because theres no way in hell you're ever gonna like me back after all the things I did, but they are gonna catch on dont worry baby " he sighed

" we still have a month to prove that theory wrong " I cupped his cheeks once more " dont worry...honey"

His face lit up at the pet name "you're so cute" he cooed, leaning in and kissing my lips

" shut up" I scrunched up my eyes and pouted out of embarrassment.

He poked my cheeks a couple of times then the bell went, time for fourth period.

Jeongin walked away to grab his things while I got mine.

Music time

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