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Seungmins POV

I pulled down my jeans and sat on the shut toilet lid.

This was so weird, why is he not making fun of me for this? He has to be up to something,  people don't change in the blink of an eye.

" oh cupcake " he sighed " wait here. I'll get the first aid kit"

He walked out of the room

" what could he be planning " I whispered to myself " this is to good to he true something is definitely going on... But what?"

Soon enough he re entered holding disinfectant wipes and a first aid kit.

He sat down in front of me and pulled out a wipe for the second time today, he started cleaning the wounds.  I winced and scrunched my eyes up whilst clenching my fists.

" you deserve this" I whispered to myself, forgetting the youngers presence " stupid ugly worthless faggot" I spoke to myself, soon realising the pain had stopped .

" seungmin,  who told you that?" He asked

" none of your business, your friend changbin called me two of them actually,  but still none of your beeswax " I crossed my arms.

He let a sigh escape his baby pink coloured glossy lips and brought out the bandages.

He wrapped them around my legs loosely, not wanting to cause me to much discomfort but still wanting to stop the bleeding.

" finnished " he stood up "cupcake" he cupped my cheek gently causing me to flinch and him to sigh " if I'm the reason,  I'm sorry."

" whatever" I scoffed , trying to stand up but he kept me sat

" cupcake I'm serious here "

" how the fuck do you expect me to believe that yang " i rolled my eyes

He rested his hands on the back of the toilet leaning closer to me "because, cupcake, I did and remain to have a massive fucking crush on you. And you will be mine, even if if means showing who I really am and ruining my image in society "

I whined " cmon I cant be courted by you I have no time to keep up with that and studies"

" oh, so studies is the only thing keeping me from courting you?" He asked teasingly

" yes , no! No I mean no. You cant court me because.....because...I dont like you back" I tried to think of excuses

" oh, but you will " he whispered in my ear " didn't you say you found this hot this morning?"

" n-no" I stuttered

" really?" He questioned, getting closer to my ear " so I guess I have to court you until you do find it hot" he came even closer " or even better, do it until you find it hot"

" I'm so confused " I admitted "you hate me why do you like me"

He used his hand to turn my head  towards his , our faces were mere centimetres apart.

" I never hated you. I bullied you for your attention because I was a dumb kid"

I gulped , there was no escaping this if he had liked me for so long.

" oh" I nodded

This was weird. I hated it , sat on the toilet with my jeans rolled down while blood seeped out of my legs and my bully flirted with me. I am so confused.

He traced my jaw delicately with his long index finger causing me to gulp

" be prepared cupcake " he said, staring at my lips " I will date you."

" I-" he covered my lips with a single finger completely silencing me.

" don't waste energy trying to argue with me " he stated

I nodded feeling my stomach swarm with butterfli-- moths. It wasn't a good thing so I'm calling them moths.

He inspects my face in great detail for another minute while I sat silently blushing and letting him do whatever he wanted. I really didnt want to get punched .

" go. Sleep. You haven't slept in days" he ordered , how did he know? " I know because of your eyebags" is he a mind reader?

" thank you " I scurried away and jumped into my bed, not even bothering to get changed

This was so shit!

* the next day*

I had dragged minho and felix to a near by cafe. I told them that we were skipping lessons today and they happily agreed.

" so, hes been bullying you and all of us because.....he likes you?" Felix's eyebrows furrowed "I don't bully jinnie because I like him"

" what a fucking twat" minho spat " I will kill yang jeongin one day"

" and I'll kill jisung " felix said

" and I'll kill changbin " I nodded

" with your noodle arms? You wish" scoffed minho

" hey!"

" uhm, sorry to interrupt." Said a man who had an Australian accent and curly blonde hair "can I take your orders "

Felix gasped happily and pointed at the man who looked confused "aussie aussie aussie!" Said felix , the mans face lit up

" oi oi oi!" He chanted,  me and minho face palmed " wait a moment, are you lee felix?"

" yes, how did you know?"

" I go to JYP university, I decided to skip so I could go to work today, but my bestfriend hyunjin is talking about you all the time" said the cafe worker " he said you were a cute aussie with blonde hair freckled heard shaped lips and an amazing physique,  I just thought you matched the definition " felix blushed " my name is Christopher bahng,  but I prefer to be called bangchan"

" nice to meet you bangchan " felix shook his hand " this is my best friend kim seungmin and my twin brother lee minho,  hes not an aussie. He was raised here and I was raised in Australia with my mom"

The man nodded his head " it's nice to meet you too" he smiled to us, showing slight dimples in his cheeks.

The door of the cafe opened , the bell dinging .

I heard a familiar voice....shit! I turned around to see them again.

" can I never escape those bastards" I whined

" what?" Bangchan asked " are those the ones that give you trouble?"

We all nodded, minho reluctant to  do so. Something was weird about him and that jisung guy, jisung would always pull him away and beat him up privately but then minho would defend him. Strange.

Bangchan walked over to the group making them all stop in their tracks .

Changbins pov

A tall attractive man stopped us in our tracks as we entered the cafe , he put his hands on his hips and glared at us.

" you're the leader " he pointed at jeongin " you're the leaders best friend " he pointed at jisung " and you're the strong village idiot they invited into the circle because you're strong" he pointed at me , ouch. " listen here. All of you, you are going to leave my friends alone. "

We leant around him and saw seungmins group all covering their face with something, jeongin told us to stop picking on seungmin though.  I don't see the problem. 

" If you dont I will find where each of you live and beat the shit out of you myself. Got it" he said threateningly,  he sounded like a mother.

" yes sir " we nodded , kind of spooked by the interaction

" good, now. What would you like to order" his mood switched,  he seemed much more bubbly and .... adorable. 

Fuck, what am I thinking?

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