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Felix's POV

I sat next to hyunjin on the seating plan , seungmin was on the same table just sat opposite me.

As per usual hyunjin had his ear buds in, casually sketching out the most beautiful self portrait I had ever seen. It was the work, I was midway through doing mine but seriously was considering saying something to him.

Seungmin gave me a look urging me to do so .

I took a deep breath and tapped his shoulder, shockingly he didn't flip me off . Instead he took out a headphone and looked at me with his gorgeous brown eyes .

" yes felix?" He asked , omgomgomgomgomg

" I-uhm.... I just wanted to say it was really cool how you called out jeongin in tutor" I smiled

" well, when he bullies adorable helpless people who have done nothing wrong to him like you, I need to intervene " he smiled back. The first time I had seen him smile at anyone .

" adorable?" I questioned, blushing slightly

" yeah freckles, adorable " he nodded " wanna listen?" He held out a earbud to me

I noddedm he put it into my ear for me ,the one furthest away from him .

" there" he said " enjoy "

He pressed play on the music once more , butterfly by bts

I smiled " I love this song" I muttered to myself then going back to my self portrait

" glad to hear it freckles" he ruffled my hair then paid full attention back to his drawing.

I touched my head where his hand had been beginning to smile wider and blush harder.

I looked at seungmin, he gave me a wide eyed look then a massive thumbs up.

Seungmins pov

After giving felix a massive thumbs up I went back to my portrait. 

I had sketched out the lines perfectly , making sure every one was precise .

Once I was happy I began to bring in some colour , pulling out the right pencils for my skin, hair,  highlights,  lips , eyes . Everything. 

" hey seungmin " felix spoke making me look up " aren't you moving into a dorm today?"

" yeah, today I only have this then music then I can go to the office get the keys and find out where the fuck my dorm is. I put all my stuff in the storage room this morning " I nodded

" oh" felix nodded " I'm too scared to move into a dorm. You and minho hyung are so confident , I wouldn't survive if I was sharing a living space with a stranger "

" really?" Hyunjin asked " you seemed so... confident "

" well, I can be. Just not in long term situations " he nodded " I feel bad for minho though. Getting put in a room with that filthy han jisung.  We are both older than him (a/n had to switch up the ages so now it's like this bangchan changbin hyunjin minho felix jisung seungmin jeongin) and he still has the audacity to bully us"

" he seems fine. He has soonie doongie and dori so it's not that much of a problem " I shrugged then going back to my artwork. Felix had got me thinking though, who would I be roomed with?

I let a sigh escape my coral coloured lips and continued what I was doing


I walked into music alone, felix and minho had dance class then music leaving me alone in this class.

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