VI. Nameday

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Summary: Happy name day your grace

Pairings: main Harwin Strong x Fem!Targaryen reader

Warnings: cursing, violence, domestic violence (not against reader), smut, medieval and A song of ice and Fire AU customs 

Notes: I have a fucking confusion with the ages and everything, it hard to keep track of, I gather that in the third chapter, "Second of his name" Rhaenyra was 17? and Aegon was 2? But that makes everything more confusing. I want everyone to be the same age as Aemond so I changed things a bit.

 I want everyone to be the same age as Aemond so I changed things a bit

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You flew over Pentos but you kept flying east, the wind in your face, earth below you, only skies above you. And then, the scenery changed, in front of you, there were endless fields of yellow grass.

Horses galloping, mounted but shirtless men with long black hair and skin kissed by the raging sun. Soon you were challenging them to a race, you flying above them, and they ran under you, like you were all facing battle, together. But your dragon was faster, you quickly surpassed them and left them behind, but the butterflies in your stomach didn't go away, they kept tickling you.

When you saw a beautiful plain of grass you commanded Vhaelar to descend, you wanted to feel the grass under your feet, and the sun above you. Hoping you left the Khalasar behind you.

Even if you enjoyed your travels, and the hunger for it only grew, you had much left to explore, and yet... you miss the comfort of your bed, the safety of the Keep. The certainty no harm will come to you. You did miss those things, and also your family.

You closed your eyes as Vhaelar flies away, leaving you alone. As you were willing to face the sun above, and enjoy the solitude, but as you basked in it, a cold breeze hit your body, and made you tremble. As you looked upon the horizon a storm was gathering, and that made you frown, because you hadn't spotted when you were a top of your dragon

A single raindrop fell on your face, and that was all it took to start running. Your dragon wasn't near, he flew so far away in so little time... where was she? In the distance you saw a run down tall tower, huge, built with gray stones. As you ran towards it for shelter from the storm, a massive black dragon landed on top of it, making you stop immediately. Screeching, flapping its black and red wings. When he spotted you, the storm was already falling from above, the cold rain soaking you, lightning struck, illuminating the gray sky. His ruby eyes told you what you needed to know, it was the Black Dread itself, Balerion, you have heard the stories many times.

From within the tower, you saw a green light, you never saw anything like it, but the light spreaded, all over the windows, and soon, you could see it even between the stones. The tower exploded with green fire from within, wildfire, the black dragon still roaring above it, but it disappeared under the green flames with a screech.

The White Dragon ----- Harwin Strong x Targaryen!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now