Special Chapter: The White Shadow

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The story of how the son of a Blacksmith of Fleabottom became the Kingsguard and Sworn Sword of Princess (Y/N) Targaryen

Pairing: Ser Steffon Mangold x Targaryen!Reader (platonic)

Warnings: violence, blood, death, kidnapping of a child, cursing, typical Got and HotD ambiance

Notes: I fell in love with this man of my own machinations, I hope you all do as well. Sorry for not describing the battles better 😭😭😭

Year: 105 AC. Princess Rhaenyra is 8 years old, and princess (Y/N) is 6

The hour was late at King's Landing, the darkest hour of the night fell over Fleabottom, right by Blackwater Harbor

"Don't be an ass, come back to bed" he growled, extending his arm, looking for his partner

"I have to help my father set up a ship" he answered, tired because of the night activities. Steffon frowned, sitting on the bed

"It's the hour of the owl" he answered, knowing perfectly well ships started their very preparations at the break of dawn

"Yes but they asked us to be ready to set sail at the hour of the bat" he spitted out. Steffon placed his foot out of the bed, covering his manhood with the rumbled sheets

"Who the fuck are you transporting at this hour?" he asked, at the same time, fearing the answer. His lover just looked back at him over his shoulder

"Their accent was from Volantis" he answered, "they paid at three times that much"

"They can't be up to something good if they asked you to be ready at this hour" he explained gently, "you are some getaway boat..."

"That..." he leaned over him, kissing him roughly. Steffon grunted against his lips as he bit his lower one, "... is none of my business"

"Where are you headed?" he asked then, grabbing the back of his neck, looking into his eyes

"Pentos" he answered

"I want to go with you" he said lazyly

"I thought your father needed your help tomorrow, for wielding the chains for the Dragonpit" Steffon growled, ruffling the dark locks of Jon Rivers

"Damn you are right" he growled. His father never really forgave him for escaping to Braavos when he was only five and ten, 5 years ago, "But I can still help you set the ship".

"Aren't you a sweetheart" he mocked

"Shut the hell up" he bit back with a grin on his face

Jon Rivers Had met Steffon 6 years ago when he commissioned his father a sword, for his travels, his mother's lover held a small ship and did trips across the narrow sea. they became friends, he fled to Braavos because he wanted to learn how to duel. and he did, for a year, his father and mother, however held him at arms length after he ran.

When they arrived on the docks there was already movement on the ship, a small crew of five people, moving around, setting the sails and, loading cradles of unknown objects, Steffon had learned that it was better not to know.

"Hurry, boy, they should be here soon" the captain barked. Steffon helped loading the ships as Jon climbed in to set sails

As Steffon was loading the last box, a group of three men came running from the Stone steps. They jumped on the ship, barking orders on what he thought was Valyrian. As the last man got on the ship, he dropped something on the deck. The bundle whimpered, forming arms, hands and feet of its own.

The White Dragon ----- Harwin Strong x Targaryen!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now