Special chapter: The Hunt

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Where was the princess when the royal hunt was taking place? Making friends with the Dornish princes of course

Pairing: None

Warnings: Reader is on her period, most badass bitch powermoves, I clearly have no clue how a castle and the people inside it works and operates, I'm a menace

Notes: More of Ser Steffon and the princess' shenanigans. How did the saying go? When the King is gone the princess can party?

Year: 112 AC, Rhaenyra is 17, Reader is 15

Your FUCKING blood mon, TODAY!? you thought in anger. As you saw the hunting party riding away. The maester and Otto, freaking Otto Hightower suggested you shouldn't go, why would they do that?

"My blood moon is almost over, I could reach you there!" you tried to beg to your father

"Your huge dragon is going to scare the prey" muttered your father, "I really wanted to make this journey a family trip, I'm sorry, maybe for next time", and just like that they left you at the Keep

Sometimes you hate being a girl. You thought, as they rode away.

The castle seemed like it was as ghostly as Harrenhal. Everyone left. Even the hand, even the kingsguard, even the ladies, they let Steffon stay with you, only because you were a princess and he was your sworn sword.

You apologized from keeping him out of the hunt, and he only smiled at you like he always did and reassured you that it was a dull affair either way. You thought briefly that it was strange that he didn't enjoy jousts, torneys, or even hunting, all knights did. Ser Criston was always in the list for the tourneys. But Steffon refrained from doing so. "I don't want to show people what I can do", he said to you once.

Instead he brought you cakes, and warm rags to soothe your monthly pains. He brought you books from the library that you chose so you could be entertained, and he brought you your favorite dishes so you could feast in the comforts of your chambers.

But you only enjoyed pampering for only a day, because only 24 hours after your father's departure, you were interrupted in your chambers, by the remaining of the small council, the Grand Maester Mellos, the masters of ships, Lord Corlys, and master of Coin Lord Beesbury, and Steffon, acting as lord commander of the kingsguard

"What is going on?", you asked, concern washed over your faces as they invited you to take a seat in the chamber, in the spot Lord Otto Hightower would sit, at the right seat of the king

"A dornish envoy has come to the capitol princess, specting to have a word with the King", muttered Lord Corlys

"Did they know he wasn't here?" you asked

"They probably did, either way they were scheduled for next week, they arrived early", Lord Beesbury chimed in

"We can't reject them," you said. "If we do they might take it poorly", the men nodded

"The king isn't here!" muttered the Grand Maester

"Well...", you tried, as the daughter of the kING, AND SECOND HEIR TO THE iron Throne, you did felt obligated to do something...."But I am", you said

"You are a..."

"A Princess" you responded, "and Dorne is known for treating their princess and their women equally to their men, 7 hells, I know bastards can inherit as well, they won't see my gender as an insult"

"She is right, you know?" muttered Steffon

"This is going to go poorly", muttered Lord Beesbury

"So all those classes I took in diplomacy were for nothing?", you asked, the Grand maester shut his mouth and just nodded. As you looked at Lord Corlys, he was smiling and nodding, and looking at you with interest in his eyes, "I shall have you by my side" you said to him

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