XLV. Kept promisesEpilogue

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Summary: you get to enjoy everything you worked so hard for

Pairings: Harwin Strong x Fem!Targaryen reader, many OC X Other OC characters

Warnings: cursing, birth, medieval and A song of ice and Fire AU customs, talks about past war, might miss some warnings


Notes: Can't wait this is it, a story I've been writing for almost a year! a story that was so cherished and commented, and even TRANSLATED! wow, it is mindblowing, thank you all who have read it so far, this was my first HOTD story, and it won't be the last, it certainly will be the longest though hehe, well enjoy it!

Notes: Can't wait this is it, a story I've been writing for almost a year! a story that was so cherished and commented, and even TRANSLATED! wow, it is mindblowing, thank you all who have read it so far, this was my first HOTD story, and it won't ...

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3 years later

"What am I supposed to do without you?", you asked lazily, as Cregan smiled back at you

"Keep reigning beautifully as you had done so far", he responded, as he sipped on his chalice of wine, he was going to go back North Tomorrow, spending three years as your hand, and in the capital, refusing every time you offered to take him up there in Dragonback, "You are going to name...?"

"Aemond", you responded, "as my hand, he has been here by my side, I think is time", he nodded

"Very well"

"You will be missed at court", you said gently

"Is that the way you yourself say you'll miss me?", he teased, "I need to go home, with my children, RIckon is growing up without his father and, my daughters too, they need me"

"I know", you said, "we will be fine, I had some practice over this three years", you said with a shy smile

"Well, let's attend this feast you organized in my honor"

Tomorrow you were going to lose your first hand and your very best friend, but it was time, and you had been very selfish to keep him this whole time, when at first he was only going to stay for one year

You walked alongside him throughout the Keep

"I'm going to miss this place", he said, as you looked around

You passed by Steffon, training the new Queensguards and soldiers in the courtyard, you passed by the God's wood, were Saera, your ten year old daughter was reading with the Septas in the garden, and Vaegor was in his class with a maester

You walked side by side with Cregan

"What about Daeron?", he asked then

"He is in Oldtown, I gave him my blessing to marry a distant hIghtower cousin, and he sends me letters regularly, so he is settled", you said, relieved.

You even passed by the small Sept, within the castle's walls, and there she was, Alicent, who had taken the cloth, she was reading the seven pointed star, the religious book, she barely noticed you passed by, and you preferred it so, you didn't want to disturb her

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