XLI. Monsters of the Sea and Sky

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Summary: You grow impatient, and nobody can deter you from rescuing your children.

Pairings: main Harwin Strong x Fem!Targaryen reader

Warnings: cursing, medieval and A song of ice and Fire AU customs, injury, burns, dragon fire, death, violence, armies, death, war and all that comes with it. Might miss some warnings but you know what this is about :)


Notes: I know that people aren't black and white, they are all shades of gray, and now we are going to see a side of reader that will flare up because of the circumstances, war, the fact that she was in the wild for weeks, we will see a side of her that we might have gotten a peek of in chapter 30 muahaha no spoilers

Notes:  I know that people aren't black and white, they are all shades of gray, and now we are going to see a side of reader that will flare up because of the circumstances, war, the fact that she was in the wild for weeks, we will see a side of h...

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"They are stalling", Maekar, ever the patient young man, had grown out of it. Rhaegar neared you, whispering in your ear

"We need to go find them, the Iron fleet is sailing towards Lannisport as we speak", he said urgently, and you realized he was as impatient as his brother had become.

"Fuck the Lannisters", said Maekar

"No!", said Rhaegar, "would you rather have an alliance with the Greyjoys? or with the Lannisters?", he said, "The Lannisters are treacherous, but at least they have money and resources", he said then

"So we save the Lannisters?", you say then, "we burn the Greyjoys?"

"Yes", he said, and you pondered, it actually wasn't such a bad idea, for what you wanted to accomplish, the help of the Lannisters could prove positive, you rather trust a Lannister than a Greyjoy, you could never trust a Ironborn, that is what everybody says.

You looked at the Green army camp bellow, scouts had revealed that they were no allies anywhere near you, but they did seemed like they were stalling, and now that you knew where your children where, you couldn't wait to go get them, and this was delaying you, iy had to end

"How long has it been?", you asked Cregan, he looked up to the position of the sun

"4 hours", he answered, you only nodded

"Time is up", you said finally, Cregan looked at you

"Should I prepare the men?", he asked severely

"It might not be necessary", you whispered, but you whispered your plan in his ear, and both your sons as well

When the sixth hour came, you gathered Daeron, his uncle and everyone else in a tent, in the middle of the plain

"Time is up", you said firmly, "we rather engage in a battle my three dragons and my northmen are going to win, or we save countless lives and you surrender", but Daeron didn't speak, he seemed nervous, his uncle did

The White Dragon ----- Harwin Strong x Targaryen!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now