XXVIII, Crossroads

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Summary: Days could make a big difference

Pairings: main Harwin Strong x Fem!Targaryen reader

Warnings: cursing, medieval and A song of ice and Fire AU customs, injury, burns, dragon fire, death, violence, armies, war and all that comes with it. Might miss some warnings but you know what this is about :)


Notes: we have a small time jump, in the last chapter, following Rhaegar, two weeks went by

Notes: we have a small time jump, in the last chapter, following Rhaegar, two weeks went by

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The Lannister army had crossed, unseen, the Riverlands.

From Casterly Rock they marched south-east through the River Road and towards Riverrrun, unknown to them, Prince Daemon was there only a day ago, but he didn't leave any men there, so, taken by surprise, Riverrun was taken almost too easily by half of the Lannister Army as they were making their own preparations to march...

Thanks to Joanna Lannister, Lady of Riverrun, the casualties were to a minimum, and even if Jason Lannister, his brother, took his husband as a prisoner, she surrendered the Tully forces to his brother, everything to avoid bloodshed, the life of her men, family and people where the most important thing at the moment.

So the Lannisters took control of Riverrun, and with that, and from there, thanks to scouts, and the maester of Riverrun's sigil and ravens, they could easily pinpoint the location of the Winter Wolves, that were coming south from Moat Cailin and towards the Twins

So half of the Lannister army (the rest was with their navy), and the Tully forces turned, they marched North through all those small towns, and got to the Twins before the wolves, to gather the Frey forces as well, two armies, their former River Lords, The Freys were easily swayed to arm their men against the Northerner army

And together, the three forces crossed the River north, and awaited for the Winter Wolves. Hidden behind the treeline.

When they saw them marching south, they caught him between the river and them hidden in the woods. It could have been a slaughter of the older men's army, taking a big toll on the Stark Army taking out their most seasoned men.

It was an assured victory

But... The Tullys, as commanded by their Lady Joanna Tully (former Lannister), turned their backs on the army, taking out their spears and pushing the Lannisters against the wolves, and they trapped them instead, covering their escape route. The battle had already begun, so the Lannisters were already caught against the Winter Wolves.

And Joanna and her husband had intentionally failed to notify the Lannisters about the very much grown dragon that was accompanying the northerner army, and the dragon had not been flying with the army, so the scouts hadn't seen it.

So the Lannisters and Freys were caught on plainfield, not protected by the trees, and between the Wolves and the Tullys. And from over the treeline, they saw in horror the golden and cream beast that breathed fire all over them

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