2. Death threats and dresses part two.

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Death threats and dresses part two.
(TW/ self-harm, swears).

Garroth's fingers were all cut up from attempting to ply the blade out the sharpener, the usually chipper blonde held the blade to his arm directly above his wrist ready to slice through It as his door swung open, revealing Katelyn and Lucinda.
Garroth had already sliced open his arm when he'd processed that he wasn't alone.
"What the hell have you done to yourself" Katelyn yelled.
Lucinda quickly ran to Garroth's side grabbed a discarded shirt from Garroth's floor and held it to his arm.
"K-Katelyn he's gushing blood" Lucinda exclaimed horrified.
"Oh Irene, Garroth why would you do this to yourself" Katelyn grumbled sitting next to him.
"Zane h-hates me, everyone will" Garroth stuttered, bearly processing that he was talking.
"I'm sure Zane doesn't hate you, he's your brother" Lucinda frowned.
"And even if he did this isn't how to deal with it" Katelyn scoffed.
"Katelyn" Lucinda exclaimed, finding Katelyn's response rather harsh.
"What, Lucinda what, Garroth you're my friend ya idiot and nothing is worth doing that to yourself".

"The bleeding isn't slowing" Lucinda explained.
"Can't you magic it fixed?" Katelyn asked now a lot more concerned.
"No I can't, he needs a doctor, not a witch, I think he needs stitches" Lucinda whispered to Katelyn not wanting Garroth to hear.
Katelyn nodded placed her hand on Garroth's shoulder and walked out of the room into the hallway to call an ambulance since Katelyn couldn't drive and Lucinda's car was getting fixed after a certain crashing into a lamp post-incident.
With a shuttered sigh Katelyn rang Travis who she knew had a car, straight to voicemail.
With a second identical sigh, the blue-haired woman dialled 911.

"Hey Gar how are you holding up?"Lucinda wondered.
Garroth took the shirt and applied pressure to his arm himself, more in tune with the world around him.
"Bad m-my brother hates m-me... you know what just go, I can stick myself up, I've done it before" Garroth insisted.
"We are not going to leave you here to bleed out Garroth, and sorry to be harsh but Zane's hated you before what's the difference now," Lucinda asked confused.
"It's different this time he has a reason one that's entirely my fault".
Lucinda wrapped her arm over Garroth's shoulders and trapped him into a half hug.

"That asshole basically hung up on me" Katelyn growled at her phone.
"Who Travis?" Lucinda asked.
"No, 911 said that needing a few stitches doesn't count as a reason to call an ambulance, because those are for people stuck in life-threatening situations" Katelyn groaned sitting on the other side of Garroth.
"Bleeding out doesn't count as fatal?" Lucinda yelled, causing Garroth to wimpier.
"S-sorry sweetie".
"H-he caught me wearing a crop top and a skirt, that's what happened, Zane caught me and I freaked out, I couldn't breathe, cutting helps me breathe" Garroth admitted.
Not missing the fact that Garroth said 'cutting helps me breathe' so certainly implying that he'd done it before, Katelyn took Garroth's other arm searching for cuts or scars.
Garroth picking up on what his friend was doing struggled to take off his shirt revealing hundreds of healed scars, cuts and burns.
"Oh, my Irene" Katelyn horrifiedly glared at Garroth's chest.
Lucinda noticed that Garroth's Hand was covered in blood he was bleeding through the shirt.
Lucinda Got another shirt wrapping it over the one Garroth was bleeding through.
"Katelyn get a hold of Travis, we need to take Garroth to the hospital" Lucinda ordered.

It took Katelyn calling eight times for Travis to answer.
"Hello beautiful, I'm out shopping with Zane at the moment but we're almost done, however, can I help you, m'lady?".
Not expecting Travis to be with Zane Katelyn freaked out a bit and muted herself so Travis couldn't hear her.
The blue-haired woman turned around to face Lucinda and Garroth.
"Zanes with Travis... Garroth I'm going to get Travis to come here but Zane will be with him Garroth Zanes going to find out" Katelyn informed Garroth wanting him to prepare himself.
Started to feel a bit lightheaded Garroth simply nodded.
" Travis I need you to come back home, to Zane, Laurence and Garroth's house there's an emergency" Katelyn unmuted.
"It's Garroth isn't it, He's hurt himself?" Travis whispered.
"Yeah how did you-"Katelyn was cut off.
"Okay, I'm on my way, Cuts or pills?" Travis asked.
"How do- how did you know that Garroth hurt himself?" Katelyn wondered.
"Cuts or pills" Travis repeated himself.
"He's cut himself, sliced his arm just above his wrist".
Katelyn was about to check on how Garroth was going before a very worried 'Katelyn' rag out from the bedroom.

Katelyn bolted into the room to see Garroth slumped over himself on the verge of passing out.
"Travis get here as soon as you can!" Katelyn ordered.
Lucinda took over applying pressure to Garroth's arm again.
"Garroth you've got to stay awake sweetie" Lucinda shared a worried glance with Katelyn.

"Katelyn? Katelyn?" Travis yelled at his phone.
"What's going on?" Zane asked making note of the fact Travis was clearly concerned.
"We need to check out and go I'll explain more in the car" Travis decided Meer moments before the two were in the car headed home.
"What's going on Travis you said you'd tell me" Zane frowned.
"Okay first off I know how you think and this, what I'm about to tell you it's not your fault... Garroth's sliced his arm open and needs to go to the hospital, Katelyns there with him and I think Lucinda's there as well".
Zane took a moment before responding.
"When you say that he's cut himself was it an-" Zane was cut off by travis' saddened sigh.
"No it wasn't an accident, he cut himself on purpose".

"Call Katelyn and let him know we're close" ordered Travis, Zane eminently doing as he was told.
"Katelyn it's Zane, we are five minutes away" Zane explained hanging up.
Travis noticed Zane dinging his fingernails into his palms, something that Travis remembered Aphmau saying he only did when he was really anxious, so he placed his hand over Zane's, his other hand on the steering wheel.
"He'll be okay" Travis reassured.
Travis's dark green car pulled up outside Zane, Garroth, and Laurence's house.
Zane jumped out of the car opening the back door, Lucinda and Garroth climbed in, and Garroth sat in the middle.
"You sit with him," Katelyn said sitting in the front seat.

Zane sat next to his big brother attempting to not look at the blood-soaked shirt that covered Garroth's arm.
"Z-Zane?" Garroth mumbled.
"What are you doing here I thought you hated me" groaned Garroth.
Zane's eyes widened in shock.
"H-hate you, I can never hate you, even in high school when I really wanted to" Zane tried to joke letting out an almost broken laugh.
"But you left" Garroth wined.
"You ran upstairs and hid in your room I was giving you space" Zane smiled.
Garroth just nodded tiredly no longer able to hold a convocation.
Garroth laid his head on Zane's shoulder Zane didn't like physical contact but because he knew that Garroth needed him, he let it slide.
" You know we're going to have to talk about you c-cutting yourself later right?" Zane wondered.
Garroth nodded.
"How far away are we?" Zane asked Travis noticing that Garroth was struggling to stay awake,
"Two minutes" Travis responded at the exact moment Garroth passed out.

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