15. Tired heartbeats.

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Tired heartbeats:

(TW:blades, stabbing, death, mind controll)

**post emerald secret**

"Zane please you're my brother, I need you to fight this" Begged Garroth.

"You are not my brother I only have one,Ein" snarled Zane, his eye shimmering green.

"Zane please" Garroth backed Zane into a stone wall, snow surrounding them.

"I don't know you, now let my go, I've got to get back to my real brother".


"Look get out of my way, now" Zane warned putting out a pocket knife.

"Woah, Zane you're my brother, I love you" Garroth trued to get through to him.

"KILL HIM" Ein's voice rang through Zane's head manically.

Zane looked down at the blade of the knife and then at Garroth, wearing an evil smirk he lunged at Garroth digging the knife in his stomach.

Garroth fell to his knees his stomach drenched in blood immediately.

Garroth felt each breath in and each breath out become more difficult, he was dying.

"I love you ZuZu" Garroth smiled, falling to the ground.

Zane's eye flashed from emerald green to its natural blue, finally settling to blue.

"Garroth?" croaked Zane, tears flowing down his face.

Zane held Garroth in his arms as he heard the blood build up in the blondes throat flowing out his mouth.

"I love you too, big brother" Zane wispeared into Garroth's ear as the elders eyes shut, and he went still.

Zane let out a gut wrenching scream that echoed throughout the snowy mountains.

Icy blue eyes shot open, filled with tears.

"Hey, hey you're okay" Garroth promised as he ran into the room, he'd been woken up by Zane screaming.

"G-Garroth?" Zane questioned audible distraught.

"I'm here, I'm always here, you're okay" Garroth promised sitting on the bed.

Zane still shaken up over his nightmare threw his arms around Garroth, his ear to Garroths chest so he could hear his heartbeat.

If it wasn't for the situation and the fact they hadn't slept through an entire night since the lodge Garroth would've been thrilled Zane'd hugged him as it was severely rare.

"It's alright, I've got you" Garroth wispeared, holding Zane closer.

"Another nightmare?" Laurence questioned, leaning against the door frame.

Garroth nodded, not sure Zane was even aware Laurence was there.

"Hot chocolate?".

"Yes" confirmed Garroth.

"Okay, hot chocolates coming right up" laurence smiled, exhaustedly leaving the room.

Garroth looked down at Zane sighing sadly.

"Another nightmare about the lodge?" the blonde wondered.

"Y-Yeah" Zane sniffled.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry".

"Shh there's nothing to say sorry for, you were under mind control nothing was you're fault"

Garroth Reminded Zane for the one hundredth time.

"I love you" Zane wispeared barely loud enough for Garroth to hear.

" I love you to ZuZu".

The memory of Garroth's dead body flashed through Zane's mind.

"Zane please, you've woken up like this everynight since everything happened, we're all exhausted and need sleep, so tell me what going on".

Zane moved a little closer to Garroth

"You die, everytime I close my eyes, I'm back there, at the lodge under HIS control and I-I kill you" Zane admitted.

"Oh,Zane" Sighed Garroth, hoping with every inch of his being that one day, preferably soon Zane would be able to close his eyes, to sleep, without such an image.

"Hot chocolate served" Laurence announced walking in sitting on the bed handing everyone there mugs, Garroth and Zane no longer hugging but sitting criss crossed next to eachother.

"Marshmellows?" hummed Zane.

"Yes, yes I remembered" Laurence chuckled.

"What time is it?" wondered Garroth.

"Four AM" Laurence read from the watch on his wrist.

"Cuddle pile?" Garroth recommended.

Zane opened his eyes to protest but closed it soon after, he was tired.

The Trio cuddled up together, Garroth in the middle Laurence hugging him from behind while Zane was infront of him his ear to Garroth's chest.

"ZuZu" Garroth smiled tears brimming his eyes as he looked down at Zane.


"It's time" Garroth cried.

"Time for what?" Zane asked confused.

"It's time to wake up".

"B-But I'm not ready" Zane hugged Garroth closer, Laurence disappearing completely,

"Goodbye ZuZu" Sobbed Garroth, disappearing.

Zane woke up again the light peeking through his blinds and into his eye.

"Shit not again" Zane growled as he noticed the tears rolling down his face.

Zane turned over away from the light wiping the tears off with the sleeve of Garroth's hoodie that he hadn't take off since he came come without him.

It'd been two months since Zane was forced to kill Garroth while being under Ein's control.

Laurence heartbroken move in with Cadenza leaving Zane to waste away, in his room, alone.

Zane looked over at his nightstand seeing a photo of Vlayd, Garroth and himself.

"Screw it" Zane wispeared to himself, picking up the photo, standing for the fist time in a week waking over to Garroth's room.

Laurence and Zane couldn't bring themselves to change anything in Garroth's room.

Zane laid on the bed hugging the photo untill he passed out from crying.

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