4. Shut down.

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Shut down:

(Tw: character shuts down, mentions suicide, medically inaccurate, mentions of being bipolar and a drug addict //probably more if you'll want something added to warnings let me know.)

*set before emerald secret*

Days had passed and Garroth had done absolutely nothing, he just laid in bed not really moving.

Garroth's bedroom had been pitch black for the first two days, that being until Laurence started opening the blinds every morning to let some sunlight into the room, hoping to put Garroth in a better mood.

Garroth hadn't said a word as Laurence was around, he hadn't said a word the entire week that he'd been out of it.

Zane and Laurence were becoming increasingly concerned as the days passed with no change.

Garroth ha always been chipper and hyper, no one had ever seen him just shut down before.

"G-Garroth I've refilled your water bottle for you...it's the bedside table" Zane stuttered timidly.

Garroth didn't respond, he just continued to stare into space.

"Garroth, it's been a week, why don't we go for a walk or... go visit Vlayd that's fun" Zane attempted to get Garroth's attention.

"We could go to a pet shop and look at birds you love Birds... come on Garroth please talk to be me" begged Zane.

Zane hated seeing his brother in the broken state that he was in especially since he nor Laurence knew why Garroth had shut down.

Zane sat with his brother for a few hours before deciding to go and talk to Laurence.

Zane and Laurence didn't really get along but they both cared deeply for Garroth and were struggling to help him.

"Has- did he say anything yet or at least acknowledge your existence?" Laurence questioned hopefully.

"N-No if anything he's only getting worst, more distant".

"Zane what do we do, I mean having his friends visiting him in shifts doesn't seem to be helping".

" Well it's all we got for now, Aaron, Aphmau, and Travis are visiting him today, who knows maybe one of them will get through to him".

Neither Zane nor Laurence believed that their friends were going to have any luck getting though to Garroth but it really was all they could think of.

" Yeah...Maybe, I'm going to go open his blinds" Laurence decided.

Garroth made no indication that he knew Laurence was in the room, even when he talked to him, or the fact that the blinds had been pulled up filling the room with sunlight.

"Hey man Aaron's going to be here soon, why don't you get up and get dressed?" Laurence smiled, despite felling as if he was talking to a wall.

Laurence tried to get Garroth up, dressed, fed, every morning but to no avail.

"Okay, never mind that why don't you just try stay awake yeah?" Laurence requested.

Garroth didn't respond, he stayed stuck in his own thoughts, in his head completely out of tune with the world around him.

Garroth being awake made no difference as Garroth stayed silence while Aaron sat on the chair next to Garroth's bed that Zane had spent the better half of the past week sitting on.

"Hey Garroth it's me Aaron, Zane and Laurence have been really worried about you, Aphmau and I to, why don't ya just tell me what's going on in that head of

Garroth and Zane one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora