14. The feeling in my lungs:

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(TW: death, throwing up, mentions of coughing blood, cancer, swearing, fainting).

"Zane have you seen my favourite hoodie, I want to take it to the shops today and find a tank top in the same colour" Garroth yelled as he ran downstairs.

"Shh, loud" Zan groaned, shifting in his mountain of blankets.

"Zane?" Garroth ran up to the sofa, only slightly being able to see the outline of his brother in the blankets.

"Sick?" Garroth asked.

"What gave it away?" Zane wined.

"Haha well it's nice to see your sarcasm is still intact".

Garroth knealed down to Zane's level, uncovering his face from the blankets, placing the back of his hand on Zane's forehead.

"Shit Zane your burning up...no more blankets" the elder frowned.

"No, s'cold" complained zane.

"Zane you're-" Garrroth stopped talking as he noticed Zane wasn't paying attention and was spaced out staring at the wall.

"ZuZu, you're foreheads so hot I almost burned myself checking your temperature" Garroth sighed running a hand through Zane's hair, leaving the part over his eye alone.

Deciding that he had to take action started to remove the blankets one by one throwing them onto the armchair, revealing Zane was wearing his missing hoodie.

"That makes sense" Garroth wispeared to himself.

Garroth wasn't able to get the Hoddie off of Zane but Zane wasn't wearing a mask so Garroth coniveced himself that he just had to take a win where he could.

"G-Garroth" Zane hiccupped.



It took Garroth a second to understand what Zane was saying, he rushed to grab the trash can and shoved it in Zane's arms, getting Zane sat up just in time.

"Aw Buddy", Garroth started rubbing circles on Zane's back.

"Laurence can you please get the thermometer" Garroth yelled, causing Zane to flinch.

Laurence walked in with Zane's water bottle and the thermometer.

"Thank you", Garroth Walked over grabbing the waterbottle from Laurence.

"You done throwing up?" wondered Laurence.

Zane nodded curling into himself.


Garroth nodded, knowing Zane had a fever.

Zane's eyes widened as he picked the trash can back up again, being sick.

"Done?" Laurence asked sympathetically, taking Zane's temperature after he nodded.

"shit" Laurence showed Garroth the results.

"That's bad isn't it" wondered the blonde.

"Very bad".

Zane noticing that Garroth wasn't in his line of vision shifted, his nose starting to bleed.


Zane lost consciousness, gaining Garroth and Laurence's attention

"Call an ambulance!" Garroth screamed.

"He's so thin, how did we not know he was sick sooner?".

Garroth paced back and forth in the Hospital room.

Garroth and Zane one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now